Dear Friends,
This Sunday we spend some time in quiet reflection.
A little word
They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war any more. Isaiah 2.4 (NIV)
These familiar words came up in Morning Prayer this week. O how we long for this to be true. The horrors of conflict are being beamed into our living rooms on a daily basis. The quest for peace and justice seems so hard. But we must never give up hope and we must always take up our calling to be peacemakers.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks that Sara’s operation went well and pray for a speedy recovery.
- For peace in our world and an end to conflict.
- For all those grieving and suffering loss.
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
The Sunday Gathering is happening as usual at 9.15am
10.30am Holy Communion
Third before Advent/Remembrance
The reading is Matthew 25.1-13
We will hold an act of Remembrance during the service.
CoG’s children’s group meets this week.
Refreshments to follow.
7pm Reflective service
Our gentle reflective service will include an opportunity to light a candle in memory of someone you have lost and to give thanks for memories. Please invite those you know who are grieving or would want to mark or remember someone.
What’s on this week?
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play – in the Welcome Centre
Wednesday 7.30pm – After 8 – in the Holroyd Room
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion followed by coffee and Lunch Club in the Welcome Centre.
Thursday 7pm – Sitting Room – hot meal for anyone/everyone in the Welcome Centre
Friday 1pm – Craft and Chat – in the Welcome Centre