Dear Friends,
It was such a joy to have the church so full at Easter.
A little word
Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. Acts 4.32-33 (NRSV)
The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. The followers of Jesus formed what we now call the Early Church. They were radical, bold, and attractive. The message of the transforming power of God, over death, and tyranny, changed lives and society.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for the resurrection hope we share and for the Church to recapture its foundational passion for change and transformation
- For our upcoming annual meeting
- For David & Mary and family as they gather for Leah’s funeral on Friday (5th)
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
this week will be a Holy Communion
10.30am All-age worship
Readings: John 20.19-31
Everyone stays together for this family friendly service.
Refreshments served after the service.
7pm Reflective
this week is Taizé style worship.
Annual Church Meeting – 21 April after the service
Our meeting is only a few weeks away.
If you are not on the Church Electoral Roll and want to be added you need to fill in a form from the Welcome Desk. Deadline is Sunday 7 April.
We will as usual be electing Church wardens and deputies and there are also three places on the PCC. We desperately need someone to take on the role of Treasurer. Computer literacy and numeracy skills are needed but full training and support is available. We also need a new PCC secretary, accurate note taking and computer literacy are what is needed. Again full support will be given.
Could you serve our church in this way?
Cursillo Retreat
Cursillo is ‘A movement of the Church providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action and enabled to share God’s love with everyone.’ The Cursillo weekend is held at Wilson Carlile Centre and are led by a team of lay people and clergy, who have all experienced a Cursillo weekend themselves. During the weekend participants (known as Cursillistas) will live, worship and learn together. Talks will be given by the leaders on some of the main areas of Christian life and faith. Also throughout the weekend there are group workshops, times of prayer and quiet reflection. The next weekend will be 10th – 12th May and bookings are now open. A few people from Christ Church have been on a weekend before and I am sure would be happy to talk about their experience. Will Gowers is going to be one of the Spiritual Directors on the weekend and has been a participant a few years ago as well. For more information or to get a booking form speak to Will or Yvonne.
What’s on?
Lots of regular activities are taking a break this week.
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre followed by coffee and Lunch Club.