Life Events


If you are planning a wedding, congratulations! We would be delighted for you to get married at Christ Church. So that you enjoy the planning and have a truly happy day, we aim to ensure that the church arrangements are as straightforward as possible.

We believe marriage is a very special act of commitment for life between two people before God, their friends and family. It would be a great privilege to share in the day with you.

Check out This has useful information on who is elligible to get married here, and also has helpful thoughts and ideas for your special day.

If you would like to explore the possibility of getting married at Christ Church please contact us.


Baptism is about following Jesus and making that commitment public.

Here at Christ Church we rejoice with those who choose to be baptised and those bringing their children for baptism.

We love to celebrate family life. We can offer several differnt types of service depending on which you feel is most appropritate for you.

Please get in touch with us to talk about what we can offer.

For FAQs about Godparents and infant baptisms, please see the Church of England website here.


The loss of a loved one can be a very difficult time. Holding a funeral in church can be an opportunity to begin to work through what it means, and to receive support at a difficult time.

The first step in organising a funeral is usually to contact a funeral director, who will make all the practical arrangements on your behalf.

If you’d like one of the team at Christ Church to be involved in the funeral service of your loved one, or if you’d like to hold the service here please make that clear to your funeral director at the earliest point.

Our contact details are here.

The Church of England website has some helpful information on funerals.