People worshipping at Christ Church Pitsmoor on a Sunday morning

10.30am Service

All are welcome at our 10.30am service. Each week of the month is slightly different, and you can find out more about them below. The service is usually about 1 hour long, followed by refreshments.

1st Sunday – All Age Worship

On this week, we include children in the whole service. Our style is informal and interactive and includes songs and a talk.

2nd & 4th Sunday – Communion

Our style is relaxed, with songs from a variety of traditions. There is a group for school age children during the service.

People worshipping at Christ Church Pitsmoor on a Sunday morning

3rd Sunday – Morning Worship

Our style is informal and includes songs and a talk. There is a group for school age children during the service.

5th Sunday – Joint service

We join with St Peter’s Ellesmere and take turns to host. Check the newsletter to find out where we will be.