Dear Friends,
This Sunday we think about what a Saint is.
A little word
Love God, all you saints; God takes care of all who stay close to him, but he pays back in full those arrogant enough to go it alone. Psalm 31.23 (MSG)
A life in isolation is not a godly life it would seem. The commandments tell us to love God and love each other. Nearly all the You references in the New Testament are you plural not you singular. Being a follower of Jesus was always supposed to be part of a group, a family, not an individual. As society has become increasingly individualistic, we would do well to pay attention to this.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for those who have walked with you and inspired you on your faith journey.
- For Sara, having her operation on Monday.
- For all those affected by storm and flood damage.
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
The Sunday Gathering is happening as usual at 9.15am
10.30am All-age Worship
All Saints
The reading is Matthew 5.1-12
No separate CoG’s children’s group this week.
Refreshments to follow.
7pm Reflective service
this week is Taizé style.
Next Sunday – Remembrance
We will lay a poppy wreath and have a moment for reflection during our morning 10.30am service.
In the evening at 7pm our reflective service will include an opportunity to light a candle in memory of someone they have lost. Please get this message out to those you know who are grieving or would want to mark or remember someone.
What’s on this week?
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play – in the Welcome Centre
Wednesday – No After 8
Thursday 10am – Holy communion followed by coffee in the Welcome Centre. No LunchClub this week.
Friday – No Craft and Chat