Weekly news for 4.4.21

Dear Friends

Happy Easter! Do join us to celebrate and don’t forget to send Pip a photo of your Easter creative activity for us all to enjoy.

Do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week as things do change!

A little word

They put him to death by hanging him on a tree; but God raised him on the third day                         Acts 10.39-40

This weekend we celebrate the defining moment in all of human history. The great Christian hope is that death has been defeated and so we can experience life in all its fullness both this side and the other side of the grave. As we experience our second lockdown Easter may the joy and meaning not be diminished for you.

O happy day, happy day!

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all the hope that Easter brings
  • For our nation as we try to plan for the future
  • For the good news of reconciliation and forgiveness to be heard and felt around our globe


In-Church worship suspended for the foreseeable future

10.30am Easter Morning Worship on Zoom

We are continuing our on-line services. This link will be the same every week.


Meeting ID: 890 3024 9289  Passcode: 238289

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0203 901 7895, and follow the instructions.

This week’s reading is: Mark 16.1-8

Submit your photo’s, art, Easter gardens, anything that depicts Easter hope and new life… for our gallery. Email to vicar@pitsmoor.church by Saturday (Easter Eve).

Holy Week activities

Each day there will be a short reflection on the website/facebook page. Access it at a time that works for you.

Good Friday 12noon-3pm in the Churchyard- a reflective outdoor experience around the garden, cross and tomb. Come at any point and do it at your own pace.

Saturday Easter Eve 8pm – Huw will be doing a very short Easter Vigil and Communion, on Zoom (use the same link as Sunday). Sadly, this means we cannot share bread and wine so Huw will explain how it does work on Zoom. He has suggested that those attending might want to bring something that they have given up for Lent, to enjoy after the service as, technically, with the sundown, this will be the start of Easter. The service will be about 30 minutes, and, at the end, Huw suggests sticking around for a bit to see what chocolate, cake, tipple, or other thing we’re all going to enjoy, once again.

Sunday Easter Day 10.30am – an Easter celebration on Zoom. Submit your photo’s, art, Easter gardens, anything that depicts Easter hope and new life… for our gallery. Email to vicar@pitsmoor.church by Saturday (Easter Eve).

Lent Course – finishes on Wednesday

This year during Lent we are running The Bible Course from Bible Society.

Every Wednesday at 7.30pm

The Zoom link is:


Meeting ID: 863 7919 8829
Passcode: 928776

It’s a mix of video, discussion, and readings in the week.

Coffee break is taking a break

Christ Church Coffee break – is having a rest.

Earlier week’s news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.