Weekly news for 8.12.24

Dear Friends,

We are still meeting in the Welcome Centre for everything as the Church refurbishment continues.

A little word 

Proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple. 2 Tim 4.2 (MSG)

This week we think of Prophets. Those who speak God’s word to the people. The gift of the Holy Spirit means that we can all take part in that prophetic ministry of speaking God’s wisdom into situations. I love the combination of ‘intensity’ and ‘simplicity’. The message of hope and love is a simple one but needs to be heard loud and clear.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all those who have spoken of God to us.
  • For schools as they engage with the Christmas story.
  • For people we know who are sick and unwell.

Sunday services in the Welcome Centre 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

10.30am Holy Communion

Advent 2

Readings: Malachi 3.1-4 and Luke 3.1-6

CoGs, our group for youngsters runs this week.

Refreshments after the service.

7pm Reflective Worship

This week we’re having an Advent-themed time to reflect. Plenty of stillness and quiet with some songs and words to listen to.

This Week’s Headlines

Advent Quiet Day – Saturday

Contact Liz Wills to book. johnandlizwills@gmail.com or 0114 2610732

Sleep out to help out – Postponed

Christmas Services at Christ Church

What’s on? – all in the Welcome Centre

Wednesday 9:30am – 11:00am – Stay and Play (a new time starting half an hour earlier).

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion followed by refreshments and Lunch Club.

Friday 1pm – Craft & Chat.