Weekly news for 1.12.24

Dear Friends,

A change of pace as we enter Advent this week. We are still meeting in the Welcome Centre for everything as the Church refurbishment continues.

A little word 

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.  Psalm 27.14 (NIV)

Advent is supposed to be about waiting. For most of us it has become a time of intense busyness. There is value in waiting. Anticipation hightens things and we appreciate things we have waited for all the more. Waiting is hopefully also about stillness. You might find next weeks quiet day helpful. I hope and pray that for you Advent might be a time when we can find some stillness before God as we reflect on the coming fulfilment of the kingdom.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all those times we have been able to patiently wait upon God.
  • For the ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon and the willingness to find a long term solution.
  • For the life of Goff Woodley and for Ethel and their family.

Sunday services in the Welcome Centre 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

includes Holy Communion

10.30am All-age Worship

Advent 1 – we welcome Mike Gilbert our Associate Archdeacon

Readings: Jeremiah 33.14-16 and Luke 21.25-36

This week the whole church family stays together.

Refreshments after the service.

7pm Taizé

This week’s service is a reflecitive Advent Taizé-style service so it’ll be a little different to usual. We will focus on the waiting, longing and hoping of the season of Advent.

This Week’s Headlines

Advent Quiet Day

Contact Liz Wills to book. johnandlizwills@gmail.com or 0114 2610732

Sleep out to help out

talk to Vanessa Droz this Sunday if you are interested

Thank you from the Foodbank

Closure of Church for renovations

There is now no access to the Church. The Welcome Centre remains in use and as well as the usual weekday activities we will be meeting ‘upstairs’ on Sundays. If you are going to have access issues with the slope please talk to us, the lift remains in operation and we will do our best to work out a way to get you safely in the building.

The main roof is now painted and some of the new lights are in. The scaffolding is reduced so you can begin to get an idea of how it will look, which will be fantastic.

What’s on? – all in the Welcome Centre

Wednesday 9:30am – 11:00am – Stay and Play (a new time starting half an hour earlier).

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion followed by refreshments and Lunch Club.

Thursday 6.30pm – International Meal

Friday 1pm – Craft & Chat.