Weekly news for 6.10.24

Dear Friends,

This week we celebrate Harvest in our last week in Church before our renovations begin.

A little word 

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 1 Tim 6.6-8 (NIV)

Contentment is something in seriously short supply. As a nation we are constantly told we must grow; as individuals we need this, that or the other to be happy. Paul suggests that with the bear necessities and godliness we are complete. We pray ‘give us our daily bread’ but live and strive for more! Harvest is a time to reflect, be thankful, be grateful and treasure the simple pleasures of a life lived in harmony with our creator and planet.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all that we have, that we often take for granted.
  • For the teams working on the refurbishment of our Church.
  • For Chaplaincy teams in Universities, Colleges and Schools.

Sunday services 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

This week is Holy Communion

10.30am All-age Harvest Celebration

The whole church family worships together this week. See the note below about Harvest gifts.

Refreshments after the service.

7pm Reflective

This week is Taizé style. Join us for songs, prayer and silence.

This Sunday, 6 Oct, is Harvest

We will be making a collection of gifts to give to the foodbank. Packaged rather than fresh food please. The sort of things that are always useful are:

vegetable soup​
baked beans​
tinned tomatoes​
tinned meat and fish ​
long- life milk​
Instant Coffee​​

This Week’s Headlines

Fundraiser – latest update.

Within touching distance of £8000 now! With gift-aid added we are getting close to the target. Can you help us get over the line?

Link to fundraiser: www.justgiving.com/campaign/ccpitsmoor or you can also give using our Card Machine or with a cheque or cash in the special envelopes on the Welcome Desk.

Closure of Church for renovations

From Monday 7 Oct there is no access to the Church. The Welcome Centre remains in use and as well as the usual weekday activities we will be meeting ‘upstairs’ on Sundays. If you are going to have access issues with the slope please talk to us, the lift remains in operation and we will do our best to work out a way to get you safely in the building. Inevitably there will be one or two teething issues to sort out so please let us know how it is going, and lets all pull together.

Harvest/fundraising Celebration

Thank you to everyone who helped to organise, cook, play and come last Saturday. We had a great time and raised an additional £180 for the refurbishment Fund.

Grounds Maintenance – Saturday 12 Oct

Come and join us from 10am to sweep leaves, prune, tidy, litter pick….. jobs for all abilities. Bring gloves and suitable tools if you have them.

A day on Prayer

We’ll be asking participants to pay £10 towards the cost of the day. Get in touch if this is problem. Bring lunch.

Places are limited; email huw.thomas@sheffield.anglican.org to book a place.

What’s on?

Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play in the Welcome Centre.

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre followed by refreshments and Lunch Club.