Dear Friends,
Tech problems this week. Here is the news that was put on facebook. Although the Sunday info is now history you may benefit from having the other notices about stuff coming up soon.
A little word
Give us today our daily bread. Matt 6.11 (NIV)
This simple line, prayed by many of us daily, helps us to focus on today. Please God, give me what I need for today. It acknowledges God as the source, the giver. It encourages a simple daily dependence. It hopefully inspires gratitude.
Things to pray for
- • Give thanks for our daily needs being met.
- • For places in the world ravaged by drought and famine.
- • For our PCC as they meet on Monday.
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
10.30am Morning Worship
Season of Creation wk3
Readings: Psalm 98 & Mark 4.26-32
No CoGs this week, sorry.
Refreshments served after the service.
7pm Reflective
this week is a refection on Knowing.
This Week’s Headlines
Harvest/fundraising Celebration
To celebrate the works beginning, the generosity of our givers and the Harvest we are holding a celebratory meal on Saturday 28 September at 7pm. Sign up in Church or contact the office.

Bishop Pete gets grilled

Hillsborough & Wadsley Bridge parish are hosting an evening at Wadsley Bridge WMC on 30 Sept at 7pm. This is open to the whole Deanery. If you have a friend you could take who would benefit from hearing others share their faith and answer questions then go along.
Fundraiser – latest update- extra grant received.

We are over £7000 now! We have a confirmed start date for the work – 7 Oct. More details about changes nearer the time.
Link to fundraiser: or you can also give using our Card Machine or with a cheque or cash in the special envelopes on the Welcome Desk.
You may notice that an area of the churchyard has been fenced off. This is to keep everyone safe, as the memorials are becoming unsteady.
What’s on?
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play in the Welcome Centre.
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre followed by refreshments and Lunch Club.
Thursday 6.30pm – Sitting Room in the Welcome Centre.