Dear Friends,
As we hit September and the schools go back we start our new series for the Season of Creation,
A little word
The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the children of God coming into their own. Romans 8.19 (JBP)
I love this image that Paul conveys. It is often translated as eager expectation or anticipation, but JB Phillips captures a wonderful picture with on tiptoe. (Some of you may remember a song from the 70’s that picked it up). It’s as if the whole created order is urging us on, as humankind, to get our act together and recapture the innocence and beauty of Eden. To step out of the shadows and into the light as we come back to a harmonious relationship with our maker, our siblings and our planet.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for the wonder and awe that the whole created order inspires in us..
- For the victims of natural disaster, especially floods in Sudan.
- For schools and colleges as pupils and staff return.
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
includes Holy Communion this week.
10.30am All-age Worship
Season of Creation wk1
Readings: 2 Cor 9.6-12 & Mark 4.1-9
The whole church family stays together this week.
7pm Reflective
this week is Taizé style. Join us for songs, prayer and silence.
This Week’s Headlines
Fundraiser – latest update.
We are over £7000 now! We have a confirmed start date for the work – 7 Oct. More details about changes nearer the time.
Do share the news and campaign with friends and family. If you use facebook do please share the post. You might have friends who would like to donate because they have a link to us from the past. Let’s see if we can get a final push towards that target.
Link to fundraiser: or you can also give using our Card Machine or with a cheque or cash in the special envelopes on the Welcome Desk.
St. Peter’s need help
St Peter’s are clearing out the Cornerstone building (Grimesthorpe Road). If you could spare some time Saturday morning (31/8) from 10.30am they would love your help. All sorts of jobs to suit any ability.
What’s on?
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play is re-starting on 11 September.
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Church followed by refreshments. Lunch Club restarts on 12 September.
Thursday 6.30pm – International Meal in the Welcome Centre. Food at 7pm.