News update for 14.7.24

Dear Friends,

Here is the update for this week.

A little word 

 I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. Romans 15.30 (NIV)

This week we are thinking about prayer – intercession. Paul knew that following Jesus can be a struggle. In his own life, and those of the churches he supported and encouraged, he believed that prayer made a difference. When someone says they will pray for you (and mean it) you do feel more supported. Sometimes God does appear to intervene and change things, sometimes we can find a new fortitude or resolve. Sometimes nothing changes, and yet we can feel a Godly peace. I’ve been a Christian for a long time now, but I wouldn’t want to say I understand how prayer ‘works’! What I do know is that I need to keep at it, and that I need it. And one thing I have learnt is that prayer does change things, and often rather than the thing i am praying about, the thing that changes is me.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for faithful people who pray for us.
  • For those who serve on the PCC and lead on buildings, finance and safeguarding.
  • For Sara as she officially takes up new responsibilities at Bradfield.

Sunday services 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

10.30am Holy Communion


Readings: Matthew 6.5-15 & Ephesians 3.14-21

Our children’s provision, CoGs, runs this week.

7pm Reflective

This week a guided meditation.

The service will be approx. 30mins, so if you want to watch the football you will be in time for the start!

This Week’s Headlines

Fundraiser – latest update, £1000 raised.

We have now created a fundraiser on ‘Just Giving’ to help with our fundraising efforts towards phase 2 of our building repairs. The link is below. Please so share it with anyone who may want to contribute towards it. Also do continue to pray for the building repairs, especially the financial provision and the logistics of the works to be undertaken.

Link to fundraiser:

You can also give using our Card Machine or with a cheque or cash in the special envelopes on the Welcome Desk.

Will’s Ordination

Thank you everyone who helped to make that weekend special.

Hope Orphanage

Vanessa made a stole for Will and asked for donations to be given to Hope Orphanage in Sierra Leone a 3 bedroom bungalow which houses 72 orphaned and trafficked girls. The money will be used to help with their school fees, medical fees, sanitary products, packed lunches etc.

£82 has been sent; thank you for your generosity.

Sara Goodman commissioning

Sara says…..Sara is being commissioned with the rest of the Bradfield team, at St Nicholas Church on 14 July at 10.30am. You are all welcome. If you can’t make the service come for the food afterwards!!

What’s on?

Monday 7.30pm – PCC meeting

Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play in the Welcome Centre.

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre followed by refreshments and Lunch Club

Thursday 7pm – ‘Sitting Room’ in the Welcome Centre. Doors open at 6.30pm.

Friday 1pm – Craft & Chat in the Welcome Centre.