Weekly News 23/06/2024

Dear Friends,

Here is the update for this week.

A little word 

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.Matt 5:9 (NIV)

My daughter Eloise goes to our Sunday morning children’s group called CoGs (children of God). It struck me when reading this verse this week, I wonder what she thinks of the concept of peacemaking as a quality of being a child of God? Although the language of peace is slightly hard to grasp for a 4 year old, she does have an understanding of what it means to be kind, loving and gentle with one another. Something I often remind her of when she has an argument with her sister! So much of Jesus’ teaching and life demonstrate the priority of peacemaking in the kingdom of God. So much so that Jesus says in verse 9, it is the peacemakers who will be blessed as those are the ones who will be called the children of God. Not those who live in peace, but those striving for peace and reconciliation. There is a challenge for us to take seriously our calling as peacemakers if we are to live up to our identity as children of God.

Things to pray for

  • For ourselves to be bold in our peacemaking!
  • For all those situations in our lives, and across the world, where peace is needed.
  • For CoGs and all the work within our church for Children and Youth.

Sunday services 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

10.30am Holy Communion


Readings: Matt 5: 21-26

Our children’s provision CoGs, runs this week.

Stay for refreshments after the service

7pm Reflective

we are taking a break for a few weeks

Starts back on 30 June.

This Week’s Headlines

Michael Robinson Memorial Service

On Saturday at 1.00pm we will hold a Memorial Service for our dear brother, Michael Andrew Robinson, son of Kay and a youth and community worker who reached into the lives of many young people across the city. Michael passed away on 19th April. All are welcome to remember this beloved soul.

Food Hygiene Award

We are so grateful for all of those who help prepare food for our various community emails. We are especially grateful to those who have taken different food hygiene certificates. We have been awarded a level 5 in our food hygiene. It is a testament to the work which goes in the maintaining the kitchen and keeping in a safe and healthy place for our community! Thank you to all involved!

Bishop’s Garden Party

Election 2024 Hustings

On Monday 24th June, Christ Church is hosting an election hustings. It will be a chance for the community to hear the candidates in Sheffield Hillsborough and Brightside answer questions from the community. The event is in the main church at 7pm.

Harry Baker

We are excited to welcome Harry Baker back to Christ Church Pitsmoor Next Tuesday, on Tuesday 25th June at 7:30pm. He brings his new tour, Wonderful:

“After a sellout Edinburgh Fringe Run and subsequent 40-date UK Tour, World Poetry Slam Champion Harry Baker is back with a brand new show celebrating the wonder that is being alive. Featuring brand new poems about death, postcodes and his favourite German wheat bear Schöfferhofer, The maths-loving, TED-talking, German-speaking, battle-rapping, happy-crying, self-bio-writing unashamed human brings his signature playfulness and poignancy that has made him a fan favourite and reached millions of people all over the world.”

It would be great to see you there, but if you can’t make it, please do pray for the evening and especially the fundraiser we are running on the night to raise money for the repairs needed to the church building.

Upcoming Events

Will’s Ordination

Will’s ordination to the priesthood will be on Saturday 29 June at 4pm at Sheffield Cathedral. You are would be more than welcome to attend. If you did request a ticket, there is no physical tickets and won’t have to show anything, you just need to tell a steward which parish you are from when you arrive at the cathedral. If you haven’t got your name down for a ticket to the service, there will be plenty of room to find a seat anyway. It would be lovely to see you there!

On Sunday 30 June, when we welcome our friends from St Peter’s, it will be Will’s first celebration of Holy Communion. After the service we will be having a Bring & Share lunch together in the Welcome Centre. Please bring along with you savoury or sweet (or both!) food items to share. If you are unable to bring something you are still very welcome to share lunch with us and enjoy our fellowship together.

What’s on?

Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play in the Welcome Centre.

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre followed by refreshments. No lunch club this week

Friday 1 – 3.30pm – Craft and Chat in the Welcome Centre.