Dear Friends,
Come early on Sunday for your Breakfast Bap.
A little word
The Lord has shown you… what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6.8 (NIV)
As we remember the work of Christian Aid this verse comes to mind. We would like to think we act on this, but I suspect we are partial and selective. The news reports often put far more weight on one disaster or tragedy than another, usually based on where it happens or to whom. Often a couple of westerners is worth hundreds of ‘foreigners’! It is easy to become overwhelmed with the problems of our world, but organisations like Christian Aid work faithfully, and often undramatically, helping to change lives as they humbly walk with God. Humility helps us to see ourselves and others with God’s eyes, justice and mercy will flow from that.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for all the life-changing work done by development agencies like Christian Aid.
- For the worldwide church praying for God’s Kingdom as we approach Pentecost.
- For our PCC as they meet next week especially those taking up new responsibilities.
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
10.30am Holy Communion
Easter 7
Readings: John 17.6-19 & Acts 1.15-17, 21-26
Our provision for children, CoGs, runs this week.
Breakfast baps and drinks from 10am this week. Donations for Christian Aid gratefully received.
7pm Reflective
this week is a meditation week
Parking restrictions
Pitsmoor Road is currently dug up and controlled by traffic lights right outside the Church. If this is still in place on Sunday the only parking available adjacent to the Church will be on Nottingham Street. You might want to arrive in plenty of time to allow for a few more steps. Please leave the spaces on Nottingham Street for our less able bodied members.
Christian Aid Big-Brekkie
On Sunday 12 May we will be thinking about the work of Christian Aid. From 10am we will serve breakfast baps and encourage you to make a generous donation to Christian Aid.
What’s on?
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play in the Welcome Centre.
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre. No Lunch Club this week.
Thursday 6.30pm – Sitting Room in the Welcome Centre. Food at 7pm (ish)
Friday 1 – 3.30pm – No Craft and Chat this week