Weekly news for 16.1.22

Dear Friends

Here’s the news for the week. Do remember to check in to our facebook page or the website regularly for updates.

A little word

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.                       Genesis 1.31

Morning Prayer this week has included the creation story in Genesis. It has been a useful reminder that everything God made; the heavens and the earth; the flora and fauna; you and me; is all good.

It stands to reason therefore, if God made it and thinks it good, indeed, very good, then we should treasure it. With all the negativity around the planet and various people we like to write off, what a difference it could make if we started everything with the basic assumption that it was good and needed to be treasured.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all the good things God has brought into being
  • for each of us as we seek to live our lives in a way honouring God
  • the PCC as they meet on Monday


In-Church worship Sunday at 10am. Morning Worship, with CoGs group for primary children.

Face coverings please and be especially conscious of how some people will still want to be cautious. 

You can also watch by live-stream on the church facebook page. 

This week’s readings are: John 2.1-11

10am on Thursday 

Holy Communion in Church 

We Who Worship – Saturday

We Who Worship is a social, lively, expressive time of singing, praise and prayer using contemporary live music and hymns. It happens twice a month on Saturdays between 4pm and 6pm at Christ Church led by Susan Mate and Julie & Rog Walters.

Inaugural gathering is 15 Jan and then the first and third Saturdays of the month.

Can you help CoGs?

Cogs are celebrating different cultures around the world. We’d love to hear more from you if you’ve lived in another country. Would you like to come to Cogs on a Sunday morning and tell us about what food you enjoyed, the climate, special celebrations, and anything else that you remember fondly?

Cogs would make you very welcome and would love to ask you questions.

Please contact Joanne, Ali, or Sara to arrange a visit one Sunday in January or February.

Living in Love & Faith

Revd’s Amy Hole and Andy Poultney are facilitating an LLF course on behalf of the diocese for the twinned deaneries of Hallam and Ecclesfield. This will run on Thursday evenings from 20 January to 17 February inclusive, at St Bart’s, Primrose Hill, Sheffield S6 2UW. Sessions will start at 7.30 and be finished by 9.30 at the latest – please come from 7.15 for tea or coffee. It would be helpful if those wishing to come could RSVP so we can plan accordingly – please contact Andy at andypoultneypxpioneerminister@gmail.com or Amy at amy@thevinesheffield.org.uk, by Friday 14 January 2022.

Earlier news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.