Weekly news for 30.1.22

Dear Friends

Here’s the news for the week. Do remember to check in to our facebook page or the website regularly for updates.

A little word

And he believed the Lord; and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness.          Genesis 15.6

Abraham was he. He has just been promised descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, despite being old and childless. His story was never quite that simple though, he had his moments of disbelief and disobedience too. But he kept going, kept believing, and God didn’t give up on him.

If Abraham is an example for us, he is a genuine one, not idealised and impossible to identify with.

Following on from a recent PCC meeting, we announced last week that we are going to be asking ourselves some big purpose questions during February. What does belief in God in 21 century Pitsmoor look like? How does it shape who we are? What we do? And who we reach? Plenty more on that coming soon.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all those examples of keeping on going
  • for our nation, as faith in politicians and government needs restoring
  • all who suffer discrimination and persecution


In-Church worship Sunday at 10am. Holy Communion, with CoGs group for primary children.

Face coverings please and be especially conscious of how some people will still want to be cautious. 

You can also watch by live-stream on the church facebook page. 

This week’s readings are: Luke 2.22-40

10am on Thursday 

Holy Communion in Church 

We Who Worship – Saturday 5 Feb

We Who Worship is a social, lively, expressive time of singing, praise and prayer using contemporary live music and hymns. It happens twice a month on Saturdays between 4pm and 6pm at Christ Church led by Susan Mate and Julie & Rog Walters.

Grab the jab

We are hosting another walk-in vaccination clinic on Tuesday, 11am-4pm. Do spread the word.

Space to breathe – Mindfulness – free

Free mindfulness sessions on Tuesday evenings. Booking details on the poster

Earlier news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.