Dear Friends
Our new August pattern of services starts this week. Do let folk know what is going on.
Do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week as things do change!
A little word
How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire…. but no one can tame the tongue… With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this ought not to be so. James 3. 5-10 (selected)
Although written (or more accurately typed) social media is more akin to speech than a letter. People ‘mouth off’ about anything and everything. It can be informative, funny, or poignant and also rude, bullying, insulting or racist. James’ warnings about the tongue seen very apt for today. I remember a curate asking us to consider; is it true? is it kind? is it necessary? The children at Pye Bank sing a song about the tongue that has the words ‘think before you speak’
We can all play our part in making the world a kinder and safer place by exercising a little self-restraint before we speak and encouraging others to do the same. In the same way that a harsh word can wound, a kind word can build up.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for those who bring us words of encouragement.
- for people we know struggling with illness or isolation.
- for our friends at ASSIST as they plan for the next few months with housing changes coming
In-Church worship Sunday at 10am. Service of Holy Communion WITH SINGING.
Face coverings please and be especially conscious of how some people will want to be cautious.
You can also watch by live-stream on the church facebook page
This week’s reading is: Luke 15.11-31
5pm Outdoor worship, games and byo picnic in Abbeyfield Park
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion in Church
August Service details
Following the PCC meeting we are happy to announce our plans for August.
On a Sunday we will move the service to 10am. Please continue to wear masks. Hand sanitiser will be available, and we will still record attendance. There will be a section of seating available for those who prefer to continue social distancing. The good news is that we will start singing again. There will be refreshments at the end, and weather permitting, we will have those outside in the fresh air. We will attempt to livestream this service.
At 5pm we will have an open-air gathering for worship, games and a byo picnic. This will be in Abbeyfield Park. This is for anyone who would like to come but will be especially suitable for families.
Thursday Communion will carry on as is, with the addition of singing.
Tidy up session and Hay Making on Thursday 12 Aug 5-7pm – bring a drink and a sandwich, shears, gloves, and a rake if you have one.
Holiday Club
Yes! We are definitely going ahead with our HOLIDAY CLUB in the park!
There will be all kinds of activities, games, craft, wondering at nature, around a song written by King David
- When: Monday 9th of August 11- 1.30
- Where: Abbeyfield Park
- Who: Christ Church Cogs and St Peter’s kids. If you are under 5, please bring a parent. We are very happy for you to bring a friend so long as their parents have filled out and signed a form giving their consent.
- How: please fill out and sign the consent form and bring it with you on the day, or ask Sara ( 07591 411950) to send one or drop one into you. (NB please do make sure your friends get their parents to fill a form in too because, without consent, sorry, they won’t be able to stay.)
Prayer Day
- to give thanks?
- to reflect on our priorities?
- To simply be a quiet space where we can spend time with God after all the upheaval and trauma of the last eighteen months.
We’re looking at September. If anyone would like to be involved in planning and doing, please let Karen or Sara know.
Sara on placement
Sara is on placement for the next two weeks, so you are unlikely to be able to get hold of her easily.
Earlier week’s news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.