Weekly news for 25.7.21

Dear Friends

An update on our new pattern of services for August is below. Please note this coming Sunday is still the existing pattern.

Do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week as things do change!

A little word

he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.’             2 Cor12.9

These words of St Paul come in part of a discussion about boasting. The church in Corinth seemed to contain more than a few who were ‘a bit up themselves’. Paul in recognising his weaknesses, including his ‘thorn in the flesh’ (whatever that might have been), is able to boast not in himself but in the all sufficient grace of God and the life affirming and life changing power of Christ.

As we acknowledge our weaknesses in the face of global pandemics and climate catastrophes, we might say – if not now, when – in relation to seeing Christ as the source of all we need.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for the all surpassing grace of God in Christ Jesus.
  • for our congregations as we try some new changes in August.
  • for all the victims of natural disasters as fires and floods rage.


In-Church worship Sunday at 9am. Service of Morning Worship.

Numbers are limited, social distancing and face coverings apply. Last week with no singing!

10.30am Morning Worship on Zoom

This will be our last on-line service in this form. This link will be the same every week.


Meeting ID: 890 3024 9289  Passcode: 238289

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0203 901 7895, and follow the instructions.

This week’s reading is: John 6.1-21

10am on Thursday

Holy Communion in Church

August Service details

Following the PCC meeting we are happy to announce our plans for August.

On a Sunday we will move the service to 10am. Please continue to wear masks. Hand sanitiser will be available, and we will still record attendance. There will be a section of seating available for those who prefer to continue social distancing. The good news is that we will start singing again. There will be refreshments at the end, and weather permitting, we will have those outside in the fresh air. We will attempt to livestream this service.

At 5pm we will have an open-air gathering for worship, games and a byo picnic. This will hopefully be in Abbeyfield Park but that is still subject to confirmation. This is for anyone who would like to come but will be especially suitable for families.

Thursday Communion will carry on as is, with the addition of singing.


When could you come and be part of a gang having fun getting the Church yard into some kind of order? Early evenings for a couple of weeks? A Saturday?

Last summer our Church yard tidies were some of the best bits of fellowship of lock- down. But, whilst one or two areas are looking great- thank you those people who have put work and creativity into our Church yard recently- this year we just aren’t keeping on top of it, and it is not being a good advert for CCP.

The problem is, we don’t have our older stalwarts to rely on any- more and trying to get the cash- strapped Council to help isn’t working either…. So: let me know soon when you can help… cause the longer we leave it, the harder it will be!

Love Sara =)

Prayer Day

  • to give thanks?
  • to reflect on our priorities?
  • To simply be a quiet space where we can spend time with God after all the upheaval and trauma of the last eighteen months.

We’re looking at September. If anyone would like to be involved in planning and doing, please let Karen or Sara know.

Earlier week’s news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.