Dear Friends
Here is the latest news, but do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week.
A little word
At least there is hope for a tree: if it is cut down, it will sprout again. Job 14.7 (NIV)
These words are taken out of context really, but indulge me a little. Job is contrasting the endurance of a tree with the frailty of humanity. It came to mind for two reasons. Firstly, Mike and I were pruning trees in the churchyard this morning, and we reflected on the power of life in a tree to be always pushing out new growth, from the trunk and the roots. Secondly, I’ve had a frustrating few days, just as we are starting to re-establish activity and open up our buildings we have new restrictions. We are still trying to work out exactly how the ‘rule of 6’ affects us. Sunday worship is definitely OK; the rest we are still seeking clarity on.
What I will take from Job is that however long it takes, whether it is weeks or months before we can do what we want to do, that power of life in us will sprout again. I’ve said it before; we are in the business of hope – because we follow a God who is hope.
New for this week
9am in Christ Church, Holy Communion.
Aimed especially at those who can’t access the on-line services. Please bring a face covering and hand cleanser. Numbers are limited, and it will take longer than usual to take your seat, so please be prompt.
10.30am on Zoom.
We are continuing our on-line services for the foreseeable future. The link is the same every week.
Meeting ID: 303 159 289 Password: 597076
Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0131 460 1196, and follow the instructions.
This week’s readings are Psalm 139.1-14 & Job 38.1-18
7pm on Zoom, Creation Care Group
we are going to be looking at Chapter 5 of ‘Saying yes to Life’ by Ruth Valerio. We have reached fish and birds. If you don’t have a book, you can down load one for free at
Do join us on zoom:
Meeting ID: 824 1127 7512 Password: 880861
Things to pray for
Give thanks for all those who have brought you hope when you needed it
For all those in Public Health & the NHS – planning, protecting and caring
For the prophetic voices calling us to care for Creation
New Discussion Group
You may have heard of Andrew Graystone. He hit the headlines last year at the time of the Christchurch massacre, when he stood outside his local mosque and offered to be on watch while they prayed.
He has written a book of short stories of his life experiences of everyday activism. AIi was lucky to hear Andrew read some of these stories and found them very moving and motivating and often humorous. They shine a light on living in community, often urban, multicultural places like Pitsmoor and offer insight into how we could engage, support or challenge what we see.
We’re going to try meeting in Christchurch in a Covid secure environment, to read , discuss and think about these stories and how they resonate with us. We are able to do this now rather than waiting until we can meet in each other’s homes, on a Tuesday evening.
Please feel free to come along, even if you’ve never been to a group like this before.
If you are interested there is a sign-up facility on the church website, or leave a message on the church answerphone (0114 275 7240).
Gathering the learning
This national Church of England project has been set up to capture grass roots needs and priorities, support future care for congregations and communities, and help government understand more fully the importance of churches to the life and wellbeing of communities across the country.
The short, very specific survey contains questions to help assess and learn from the Covid lockdown.
If you would like to complete the survey, please use the link below by September 30.
Earlier week’s news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.