Dear Friends
Here is the latest news, but do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week.
We now have clarification that the ‘rule of 6’ will not stop things from starting back. As we are adopting Covid secure practices we can gradually bring groups back, but on a phased basis.
A little word
Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people? 1 Kings 3.9
In Morning Prayer, we have been reading of the transition from David to Solomon. David had been an action man leader. The people loved him. As Solomon takes over he feels that long shadow cast over him. God offers him whatever he asks for. He asks for wisdom; not long life, not riches, not victory over enemies, but wisdom. He is full of humility and he is crowned.
Wisdom is a precious gift, it can come with age and experience, but is truly found when we are in tune with the heart and mind of God. I pray for you that you might be wise, I ask that prayer of you for me, and we join in praying especially for all who exercise leadership that it might be framed by wisdom from God.
New for this week
9am in Christ Church, Holy Communion.
Aimed especially at those who can’t access the on-line services. Please bring a face covering and hand cleanser. Numbers are limited, and it will take longer than usual to take your seat, so please be prompt.
10.30am on Zoom.
We are continuing our on-line services for the foreseeable future. The link is the same every week.
Meeting ID: 303 159 289 Password: 597076
Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0131 460 1196, and follow the instructions.
This week’s readings are Leviticus 25.1-7 & John 6.1-15
Things to pray for
Give thanks for the gift of wisdom and those unexpected people who show it to us
For Sophie being ordained Bishop of Doncaster on Monday
For food producers aiming to reduce carbon impact and for us to make wise shopping decisions.
New Tuesday Discussion Group
We had our first meeting last week. There is room to accommodate more and each week is a stand-alone story so it will not matter if you can’t be there every week.
Please feel free to come along, even if you’ve never been to a group like this before. Please bring your face covering.
If you are interested there is a sign-up facility on the church website, or leave a message on the church answerphone (0114 275 7240).
September Reflective Service – Next Sunday
We’re going to try to meet in person for our evening service, which we’ll be doing as “Forest Church” in two groups of six. Spaces are unfortunately limited so please let us know if you’d like to come by contacting Ben ( or 07454008134).
We’ll meet at church and head over to Roe Woods where we’ll spend time reflecting on how God speaks to us through the world around us, and on the theme of “transition”.
Meet outside church at 6.20pm for a 6.30pm depart. We should be finished by around 7.30pm.
Gathering the learning
This national Church of England project has been set up to capture grass roots needs and priorities, support future care for congregations and communities, and help government understand more fully the importance of churches to the life and wellbeing of communities across the country.
The short, very specific survey contains questions to help assess and learn from the Covid lockdown.
If you would like to complete the survey, please use the link below by September 30.
If you use to email me would you mind changing it to Yahoo are going to make it more complicated so the address is quicker and more reliable. Thanks.
Earlier week’s news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.