Dear Friends
Here is the latest news, but do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week.
A little word
From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the Lord be praised. Psalm 113.3 (CW)
Like me, these words might take you back to a popular Chorus from the 70’s. And there is an element in which it is about us praising God all day long, all our waking hours. But the Psalm seems to hint at something more. There is talk of the heavens and the nations, of wrongs being righted, of the messed up order of things being restored to their proper place. In God’s perfect world order everything created points to his Glory, because it reflects His nature and His name. That is something to work for and to give praise to and for.
New for this week
9am in Christ Church, Holy Communion.
Aimed especially at those who can’t access the on-line services. Please bring a face covering and hand cleanser. Numbers are limited, and it will take longer than usual to take your seat, so please be prompt.
10.30am on Zoom.
We are continuing our on-line services for the foreseeable future. The link is the same every week.
Meeting ID: 303 159 289 Password: 597076
Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0131 460 1196, and follow the instructions.
This week’s readings are Psalm 130 & Revelation 4
Things to pray for
Give thanks for all those reminders of God’s faithfulness we see each day
For all those helping refugeess, and for the situations they are fleeing from
For the plans to make our nation carbon-neutral, and our part in them
New Discussion Group
You may have heard of Andrew Graystone. He hit the headlines last year at the time of the Christchurch massacre, when he stood outside his local mosque and offered to be on watch while they prayed.
He has written a book of short stories of his life experiences of everyday activism. AIi was lucky to hear Andrew read some of these stories and found them very moving and motivating and often humorous. They shine a light on living in community, often urban, multicultural places like Pitsmoor and offer insight into how we could engage, support or challenge what we see.
We’re going to try meeting in Christchurch in a Covid secure environment, to read , discuss and think about these stories and how they resonate with us. We are able to do this now rather than waiting until we can meet in each other’s homes, on a Tuesday evening.
Please feel free to come along, even if you’ve never been to a group like this before.
If you are interested there is a sign-up facility on the church website, or leave a message on the church answerphone (0114 275 7240).
Earlier week’s news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.