Weekly news for 30.8.20

Dear Friends

Here is the latest news, but do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week.

A little word

So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.           Psalm 90.12 (CW)

I have heard Bishop Pete say he has taken these words to heart and at the top of his daily journal puts the number of days he has been alive (it sounds a bit ‘Big Brother’ I wonder if he writes it in a Geordie accent!). I’ve just looked it up, I’m on ‘Day 20765’

The point of the Psalm is to help remind us of our place in the grand scheme of things, to steer away from that sense that the whole world should revolve around me. But it is also a call to make the most of that unknown quantity of time we have. To focus it wisely.

The world at the moment can feel chaotic, pointless, desperate or hopeless. But it isn’t. We may feel we can’t make a difference. But we can. What is the point of my small effort? Well, applied and shot through with wisdom, and done under God, 20000+ efforts do amount to something. Most of us have a tendency to underestimate what can be achieved. Remember the mustard seed!

New for this week


If you’d like to join us on Sunday morning, here is a reminder of the link. The link is the same every week.


Meeting ID: 303 159 289  Password: 597076

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0131 460 1196, and follow the instructions.

We start to gather online from 10.00, our service starts properly at 10.30.

This week’s reading is Matthew 16. 21-28

Things to pray for

Give thanks for all those people who faithfully live out their faith each day, making a difference in the world

For Schools as they start back for a new term

For our plans to slowly resume activity in the church building

Sunday re-boot

I am pleased to announce we are restarting on a Sunday on 6 Sept at 9am. If you are joining us on Zoom please continue with that. The physical service is for those who can’t do virtual, and due to social distancing numbers are limited. We envisage we will continue with this mixed economy for a little while. You will need to bring a mask to wear, if you have hand gel please bring your own to speed things up. The service will be aiming for 30 mins. We are still not yet able to sing or have refreshments.

Could you please let folk know, especially those who don’t do emails or have smartphones as they won’t see this newsletter.

Bear with us as we start, inevitably we will adapt as we go along.

Thursday meeting re-imagined

Whilst we are waiting for things to get back to some sense of normality we are going to get on with something we can do. This has grown out of our churchyard maintenance and the Creation Care group.

We are planning to meet each Thursday for the time being at 10am in the Churchyard. We will have a short reading and prayer and then do something practical. Small teams can continue with grounds work and also go out litter picking in the surrounding spaces. Hopefully this will create opportunity for conversation as we bless our community. Bring your own gloves and litter-pickers.

Earlier week’s news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.