Dear Friends,

Hopefully the thaw is coming and it will be easier to be out and about.

A little word 

we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6.4 (NRSV)

This week we are thinking about Jesus’ baptism. Paul in Romans makes that connection about identification with both Jesus death and rising in Baptism. That is why full immersion emphasises that idea. I’ve always thought the most important thing about Baptism is not how it is done, or when it is done, but what flows from it. That newness of life, the risen life, is the key. May this year be one where all of us walk a life in the footsteps of Jesus.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all the Baptised around the world and for their walk with Jesus.
  • For individuals and communities struggling with severe weather.
  • For everyone organising, providing or receiving care at home.

Sunday services in the Welcome Centre 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

10.30am Holy Communion

Epiphany 1

Readings: Isaiah 43.1-7 & Luke 3.15-22

CoGs, our children’s group, restarts this week.

Refreshments after the service.

7pm Reflective Worship

This week we will be doing an ‘Examen’ meditation where we take time to reflect with God.

This Week’s Headlines

Café Church

On Sunday 2 February we are launching a Café Church style service. This will replace our current 1st Sunday of the month all-age worship slot. Our hope is this new style of worship will help us in our worship together as a church family. There will be refreshments throughout, and the church will be set up in the style of a café. Over the next few months as we try out Café Church, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Flyers are available to give to people who might be interested. If you have any questions or want to find out more speak to Will or email him on 

Sitting Room

Sitting Room, a simple open invitation meal, happens on the third Thursday of the month. There is space for extra volunteers. You need to be available from approx. 6pm to 8.30pm to help cook, set up and clear up. We need 3 volunteers each time. If you would like to join the rota (being prepared now) or find out more speak to Pip or Ali.

Christmas Puddings

Just over £200 was raised, to be split between the Foodbank and our Refurbishment appeal. Thank you to Yvonne and the team for your hard work.

Welcome to baby Bryn

Congratulations to Ben & Becca on the joyous arrival this week of Bryn.

What’s on? – all in the Welcome Centre

Wednesday 9.30-11am- Stay and Play.

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion followed by refreshments and Lunch Club.

Thursday 6.30pm – Sitting Room (food at 7pm)