Dear Friends,
We are now meeting in the Welcome Centre for everything as the Church refurbishment continues.
A little word
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us Heb 12.1 (NRSV)
We don’t get as far as this in our Hebrews readings, but it is one of the readings for All Saints’ Day. Saints are ‘Holy people’. God sees all who follow him as just that, hence Paul opens nearly every letter ‘ to the saints in….’ You may be able to think of exceptional Christians, some you have known, others you have been inspired by. If we each run our race who knows who we might be that inspiration to. This reading also reminds me that faith is not a solo pursuit, it is a team game. We have the support of others and the support of the Holy Spirit, God within us.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for those who have inspired you on your faith journey.
- For the USA as it elects a new president.
- For churches throughout the diocese engaging with and reaching out to their parishes in activities and projects.
Sunday services in the Welcome Centre
9.15am Sunday Gathering
this week includes Holy Communion
10.30am All-age Worship
Readings: Hebrews 9.11-14
This week we all worship and learn together as the whole church family.
Refreshments after the service.
7pm Reflective
This week is songs, silence and prayer in a Taizé style
This Week’s Headlines
Fundraiser – latest update.

We’ve broken £8000 now!!! Fantastic effort.
Link to fundraiser: or you can also give using our Card Machine or with a cheque or cash in the special envelopes, please ask.
Closure of Church for renovations
There is now no access to the Church. The Welcome Centre remains in use and as well as the usual weekday activities we will be meeting ‘upstairs’ on Sundays. If you are going to have access issues with the slope please talk to us, the lift remains in operation and we will do our best to work out a way to get you safely in the building. Inevitably there will be one or two teething issues to sort out so please let us know how it is going, and lets all pull together.
The work is progressing well, here is a new picture I took at the site meeting this week. It’s the painted roof from the top of the scaffold platform.

Next week – Sunday 10 Nov evening
A quiet service, in our usual 7pm slot, to remember and give thanks for those we have lost. It might be particularly helpful to those who have been bereaved in the last year or so, do invite anyone you know, and offer to come with them. Everyone is welcome.

What’s on? – all in the Welcome Centre
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play.
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion followed by refreshments. No Lunch Club this week.
Thursday 6.30pm – International meal
Friday 1pm – Craft & Chat.