Weekly news for 4.2.24

Dear Friends,

Here is your latest news update.

A little word 

 a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.’ Luke 2.32 (NRSV)

I’ve been spending the week in Windsor and have gone to Evensong in the Chapel each evening. I’ve heard these words of Simeon each time. Tomorrow we celebrate the Presentation of Christ (Candlemas) which sets it in it’s context. Simeon and Anna, a couple of senior citizens who hang around the temple, get to meet the Holy family and proclaim their wonderful words. Jesus is the light for everyone, to those on the inside and those on the outside. A final revelation to round off the end of our Epiphany season.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks that the light of Jesus still shines today.
  • For all those who provide meals and refreshments at our various activities.
  • For the aid agencies working around the world to bring hope when disaster strikes.

Sunday services 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

This week is Holy Communion

10.30am All-age worship

Second before Lent

Readings: John 1.1-14

See below.

Refreshments to follow.

7pm Reflective

this week is Taize style

AAW on Sunday

Christingle making during all age on 4 Feb. The reading helps us think about Jesus being the light of the world and how we too can be lights. What better way to help think about this than by making our own Christingles! Come along and make a Christingle and celebrate all that we have to offer in being lights for the world. 

Lent Course 2024 

It only seems like yesterday when we had our Christmas services, however Lent is only just around the corner. This year we are going to be running a lent course on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in The Welcome Centre, or Tusdays at 1pm at St. Peter’s, starting on Wednesday 14 February with an Ash Wednesday service. The course is called ‘Watch and Pray’ and is inspired by Selina Stone’s book ‘Tarry Awhile’. Justin Welby writes, “Watch and Pray challenges us to seek God in both familiar and unfamiliar places: in darkness and in quiet; in movement and migration; in the healing and transforming work of the Spirit; in the weeping of Holy Week and in the joy of Easter morning.” There are daily reflection booklets for everyone, which you are welcome to take away to use throughout lent; they will contribute to our discussion times on the Wednesday. These are free, however, a suggested donation of £2 would be appreciated from those who can afford it.  You can also access the reflections via email sign-up or an app on your phone.

What’s on?

Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play – in the Welcome Centre.

Wednesday 7.30pm – After 8’s at 225 Nottingham Street

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre followed by coffee and Lunch Club.

Friday 1pm – Craft and Chat -in the Welcome Centre