Weekly news for 10.9.23

Dear Friends

What a glorious way to move into Autumn, enjoy the sunshine.

A little word

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;                           Psalm 24.1

Over the next month leading up to Harvest we will be Celebrating and thinking about God’s wonderful world and our place in it and our responsibility towards it. This is central to our discipleship. It represents the fifth of our five marks of mission and our commitment as an Eco-Church.

It importantly encourages us to think about our neighbourly responsibility to our fellow inhabitants of the globe, people animals and plants; and recognises that the issues of climate change and associated poverty are matters of justice and equality.

I hope we will all be encouraged, challenged, and stimulated to action.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for the incredible beauty of this planet we call home.
  • For a new school term, especially those starting in new places. 
  • For the work of A Rocha promoting Eco Church and Cathy Rhodes our Diocesan Environment Officer.


Sunday Gathering at 9.15am.  

Holy Communion at 10.30am. A time for Creation – Sowing

Readings: Matthew 13.1-9 & 2 Corinthians 9.9-11

CoGs Childrens group re-starts

Refreshments to follow.

Sunday evening at 7pm

Reflective Service.

10am on Thursday  

Holy Communion, followed by Coffee and Lunch Club.

Stay and Play

On 13 September we re-start the Toddler Group on a Wednesday morning. If you are interested in helping have a word with Will or Lucy Gowers.

Mission Action Planning


The Diocese has produced another MAP booklet – standing for Mission Action Planning. On Saturday 23 September, at 9.30, in Church. 

We are going to meet for an intensive couple of hours to look at it and use it as a way of inspiring and guiding thoughts about our mission as a church. This is open to all of the church, and we’d encourage you to come along and share the process.

The MAP booklet can be found here:


It would help to have an indication of who is coming – can you message or email Huw (huwthomas75@googlemail.com) if you plan to be there?

Eco-church Celebration – 9 Sept at the Cathedral

Keeping up

Reminders of contact details:

Maureen (for admin queries).    office@pitsmoor.church, 07765 232789.

Pip (for everything else!).             vicar@pitsmoor.church, 07799944436.

Will                                                         will@pitsmoor.church, 07354887660

Earlier news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.