Dear Friends,
A little word
Goodness me, is it Thursday already?
The words “good” and “goodness” are used so frequently in our lives that it almost loses its meaning.
It’s such a simple idea – and really, it means being holy. Goodness is a quality that reaches as far within us as it shines out from us. It is holiness in action.
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father”
Things to pray for
- That goodness would be something we see more of in the world around us
- For those affected by the increasing cost of living
- For people struggling with extreme weather
Services this week
Sunday 9.15am
Sunday Gathering
Psalm 107
Sunday 10.30am
Holy Communion
Psalm 107
Sunday 7pm
Reflective service
“Growing Goodness“
Thursday 10am
Holy Communion
Followed by Lunch Club
Other news

Ordination service – Sunday, 2nd July at Sheffield Cathedral
Will’s ordination service will take place on Sunday 2nd July at 10.30 at the Cathedral. Initially there are 20 places for people from CCP to attend (more may become available nearer the date). If you would like to be included there will be a sign up sheet at the back of church on Sunday or if you are not around on Sunday but would like to go please contact Maureen.

Church Picnic – Sunday, 9th July at Abbeyfield Park
On Sunday 9 July we will have a Church Picnic, probably at Abbeyfield Park. This will be Will & Lucy’s first proper Sunday with us, so a good chance to say hello to them and Eloise and Phoebe.
Keeing up
Reminders of contact details:
Maureen:, 07765 232789.
Pip is away this week.