Weekly news for 21.5.23

Dear Friends

Thank you to all those who prepared and supported the breakfast last week.

A little word

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.                         Matthew 5.9

O how the world needs peacemakers. Time and again it seems governments find it easier to supply weapons than to do the hard graft of peace-making. It is time consuming, costly, and frequently disappointing.

Whether it is nations, or families, or neighbours or work colleagues, we all know times when it blows up and we need someone to help make peace. Christ calls us to play that role. And when we do, we will be blessed by the prince of peace.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for those who bring peace where there is trouble.
  • For the victims of natural disasters.
  • For the PCC as they meet on Monday.


Sunday Gathering at 9.15am.  

Morning Worship at 10.30am. Fruit of the Spirit – Peace

This week’s readings are: Isaiah 41.1-7 & Phil 4.4-9 

CoGs groups and refreshments to follow.   

Sunday evening at 7pm

This week a reflective Holy Communion.

10am on Thursday  

Holy Communion, followed by Lunch Club in the Welcome Centre.

Did you find the heat tough last summer?

A new project looking at heat waves in Burngreave is starting. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism is a not-for-profit newsroom which specialises in community-driven journalism. This year they are running a project looking into how people in Burngreave experience heat waves – in particular, how the house you live in affects your experience of heat, and how this may impact on your health. They are looking for members of the community who found the heat challenging last year to take part in this project.

So, if you think you might be interested please contact Paul on 07929114418 or pauleccles@tbij.com or talk to Pip.

Keeping up

Reminders of contact details:

Maureen (for admin queries).    office@pitsmoor.church, 07765 232789.

Pip (for everything else!).             vicar@pitsmoor.church, 07799944436.

Earlier news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.