Weekly news for 14.5.23

Dear Friends

Don’t forget, breakfast this Sunday from 10am. Donations to Christian Aid gratefully received.

A little word

 For the kingdom of God is… righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.                            Romans 14:17 (NIV)

We sung the Taizé chant based on this verse at last week’s evening service, and it has been like an earworm for me all week. As we work through the fruit of the Spirit, we come to joy this Sunday. Joy is mentioned over 200 times in the Bible. As a bit of a ‘glass half empty’ sort of person I need to cultivate joy and let it show. In a world that can be challenging we could all do with more bringers of joy!

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for those who bring joy to your life
  • For the churches in our Deanery.
  • For the work of Christian Aid, transforming lives around the world.


Sunday Gathering at 9.15am.  

Holy Communion at 10.30am. Fruit of the Spirit – Joy 

This week’s readings are: Psalm 30 & 1 Peter 1.3-9 

CoGs groups and refreshments to follow.   

Sunday evening at 7pm

This week a guided meditation around peace.

10am on Thursday  

Holy Communion, followed by Lunch Club in the Welcome Centre.

APCM results  

We are delighted to welcome a mix of old and new faces to join the leadership team of the PCC. The following people were elected…

Church Warden: Blessing Pepple and Will Ross

Deputy CW: Ruth Crowley

Deanery Synod: Joanne Chadwick and Yvonne Hayes

PCC: Ange Drozdowsky, Pat Limb, Dienye Pepple, Jane Skinner and Kate Thompson

We will soon have a vacancy to fill as treasurer. We have a small team that looks after the finances, so you don’t have to do it all. If you have skills in numbers and IT, we would love to talk to you!

Christian Aid breakfast

To raise some money for the fabulous work of Christian Aid we will be serving breakfast from 10am on Sunday 14 May. Put it in your diary and set aside some money.                                                                                   

Church chairs

We have got four sample chairs to look at. Try sitting on them and picking them up. I would be interested in your thoughts. The fabric ones come in many colours so don’t be swayed by that alone.                       

Did you find the heat tough last summer?

A new project looking at heat waves in Burngreave is starting. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism is a not-for-profit newsroom which specialises in community-driven journalism. This year they are running a project looking into how people in Burngreave experience heat waves – in particular, how the house you live in affects your experience of heat, and how this may impact on your health. They are looking for members of the community who found the heat challenging last year to take part in this project.

So, if you think you might be interested please contact Paul on 07929114418 or pauleccles@tbij.com or talk to Pip.

Keeping up

Reminders of contact details:

Maureen (for admin queries).    office@pitsmoor.church, 07765 232789.

Pip (for everything else!).             vicar@pitsmoor.church, 07799944436.

Earlier news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.