Dear Friends
An important announcement from Sara this week. More on Sunday.
A little word
For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel. Luke 2. 30-32(NIV)
You may recognise those words from the Song of Simeon, the Nunc Dimittis, familiar to lovers of Evening Prayer. Simeon the old man has been promised by the Holy Spirit that he will see the Messiah before he dies. The 40-day old Jesus is brought to the temple by Mary & Joseph. Simeon holds him and pours out his words of praise.
In his arms is the hope of the nations, the hope of the world, all people. He had been waiting a long time but, as the saying goes; good things come to those who wait.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for all who have found Jesus as the light of the world.
- For the General Synod of the CofE as they meet this coming week.
- For Sara, as new opportunities come to fruition.
Sunday Gathering at 9.15am
All-age worship at 10.30am.
This week’s readings are: Matthew 5.13-20
Refreshments to follow.
Sunday evening at 7pm.
This week is Taize style worship.
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion is now in the Welcome Centre, followed by Lunch Club.
A message from Sara
Ever since the early years of Christianity, the Church has been sending people out and this is (for me!) a heart-wrenching and exciting announcement that the time has come to kick me out of the nest! I’ll try to express my enormous thanks for all your love and all your teaching over the last few years + say what I can about the ‘what next’, but would you please join me for a bring and share lunch after Bill and my last Sunday, the 19 Feb. starting about 12.00.
A reminder that there are many ways to give financially at Christ Church. You can give by Direct Debit through the Parish Giving Scheme or by Standing Order into our bank account (these are particularly helpful if you are a tax-payer). You can give each week in the collection box as you come in, either by envelopes or just drop your cash in. If you would like info or help Bernadette (treasurer) or Karen (gift-aid coordinator) would be happy to talk with you.
Keeping up
Reminders of contact details:
Maureen (for admin queries)., 07765 232789.
Pip (for everything else!)., 07799944436.
Earlier news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.