Dear Friends
As this is the first newsletter since Christmas, happy new year.
A little word
And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. Matthew 2.12
Tomorrow is Epiphany, which we will think about on Sunday. We remember the visit of the magi or wise men. Above is the last verse of the story. Epiphany is all about being made known, revealing or manifestation (to use a big word).
It strikes me how often God reveals things in dreams. Here to the magi, to Joseph once in the previous chapter and twice more in this chapter. In the OT Jacob, Joseph, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel all have dreams and Joel prophesies a time when old men will dream dreams, quoted by Peter on the day of Pentecost.
The encounter with the magi shows God using unexpected methods to reveal himself. Perhaps we might be more attentive to those things we could so easily dismiss; God might dream dreams with us.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for ways we have God revealed to us.
- For all those activities restarting after the holiday break.
- For peacemakers at home and abroad.
Sunday Gathering at 9.15am
Holy Communion in Christ Church at 10.30am with CoGs groups.
This week’s readings are: Matthew 2.1-12
Refreshments to follow.
Sunday evening at 7pm.
This week Taizé style.
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion is now in the Welcome Centre, followed by Lunch Club.
Keeping up
Reminders of contact details:
Maureen (for admin queries)., 07765 232789.
Pip (for everything else!)., 07799944436.
Earlier news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.