Weekly news for 22.5.22

Dear Friends

Quite a few diary dates to look out for and note this week

Do remember to check in to our facebook page or the website regularly for updates.

A little word

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.                            John 10.10

This saying of Jesus is in the context of his teaching about the sheep and the shepherd. He is the gate for the sheep, those who enter will be saved or kept safe. He is the good shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheep. This is the good news; safety, relationship, full life. That is what we have to tell.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for the promise of life in all its fullness
  • For the relevance of each church to its setting – that we might discover our calling to be good news.
  • For the new PCC, meeting on Monday.


Sunday at 10am. Five Marks – Tell #2

Holy Communion with CoGs children’s group and refreshments to follow. Brief discussion group over coffee is a new option.

You can also watch by live stream on the church facebook page.  

This week’s readings are: Acts 8. 25-40

This Sunday would you like to wear something which says something about who you are – your uniqueness

Sunday at 7pm.

Reflective Service – another world is possible

10am on Thursday 

Holy Communion in Church 

APCM updates 

Thank you to everyone who stayed and took part in our annual meeting. We elected Mike Dennett as Churchwarden; John Hayes & Christine Grainger as Deputy Churchwardens; and Bernadette Rouine, Robert Platts, Bob Newman, & Ben Treadaway on to the PCC. Welcome all.

A reminder that if you pay tax you can gift-aid your giving to church. We can claim back an extra 25p for every £1 you give. If you cease to be a taxpayer, you need to let us know. Karen Rodgers or Bernadette Rouine can help you.

Driver wanted

New volunteer Minibus driver needed for Lunch Club.

Must be aged 25 or over and hold a clean driving licence with ‘D1’ category. Van driving experience and licencing invaluable. Induction and training can be given/paid for or updated. Patience, kindness, and care over helping frail elderly people get around essential. Role would need DBS processing.

We are looking for someone who is able to be in this role for at least 12 months.

You need to be available on Thursdays from 10:15 – 15:00.

See Nick Edmondson to volunteer or ask more.

Platinum Jubilee lunch

We plan to have a special one-off intergenerational Lunch Club with an (indoor) Street Party theme for the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday on 2nd June, with help from the local Brownies. The idea will be to bring the generations together, including grandchildren etc of those normally attending Lunch Club, and families from all groups using the Welcome Centre and Christ Church buildings, decorate with bunting and have jelly ice cream and possibly Spam!

Tickets available from Yvonne at £2 per adult. (Accompanied only) children are free.                   

Asylum Seekers being sent to Rwanda

If this is something you want to know more about, or to contact your MP about, info and links are on the City of Sanctuary UK website The UK will send people seeking sanctuary to Rwanda: our statement (cityofsanctuary.org)

Church Yard Nurture

Join us to keep our church yard good for people and nature, Fridays 10.00 – 12.00, short prayer at the end.

  • 27.05.22
  • 17.06.22
  • 15.07.22

Prayer Hour

pray for each other and the activities we are involved in, Monday evenings: 7.30-8.30pm

  • 06.06.22
  • 27.06.22
  • 18.07.22

Earlier news Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.