Dear Friends
Do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week as things do change!
A little word
The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19.1
You have to get away from the city lights, well away, to see the heavens in all their glory. If you have been camping or staying miles from anywhere you will know what I mean. More stars than you could possibly count. Am image used in a promise to Abraham. It reminds us of the vastness of the universe, and our small part in it. The scientists have opened up a whole new perspective to us unknown to the biblical writers. It inspires awe and wonder and according to the Psalmist points us back to God, our Creator, our Father.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for every aspect of the created order.
- for all those working at the sharp end in health and Social Care.
- the churches in our Deanery
In-Church worship Sunday at 10am. Service of Holy Communion WITH CoGs – Creation Emergency – Abundance
Face coverings please and be especially conscious of how some people will still want to be cautious.
You can also watch by live-stream on the church facebook page
This week’s readings are: Deuteronomy 8.7-18 & Luke 12.16-21
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion in Church
Service details
We are going to continue with our current Sunday morning pattern at 10am through September too. We don’t want to be changing constantly. Now that the schools are back the children’s work will restart also. We will review it again for the Autumn during Sept.
Prayer Day – 18/9 10am -3pm
The last eighteen months have been a testing time for many of us. During this time, we may have encountered isolation, grief, ill health, financial difficulties and more. Also, we may have discovered new things… How have we been affected? How has our faith journey held up?
On Saturday 18th September there’s an opportunity to reflect, contemplate and pray –maybe thinking particularly how we might move forward as a community, as Christ Church Pitsmoor, and as individuals, but primarily a quiet space where we can spend time with God after the upheaval and trauma of the past eighteen months. There will be some visuals and quiet music to help us reflect. We also hope to have the Diocesan video on how ‘church’ could look as we move forward, playing in the Holroyd Room.
Feel free to drop in at any time between 10am & 3pm for however long you like. The day will draw to a close with prayers led by Sara at 2.45pm
Any queries / questions about the day – please ask Karen Rodgers or Ruth Crowley (Sara is currently away)
Afghan Refugees – how can I help?
There is a need for working smartphones. They need to be wiped back to factory settings and have a charger. If you have (an old) one you could donate, give it to Pip and we will pass it on.
There will be other ways to help in time.
You can see donation requests on a facebook group, search Sheffield Donations for Refugees. It changes quite often, and they are quite specific.
Refugee/Asylum Seeker drop-in
We are exploring opening the Welcome Centre on a Tuesday morning for a couple of hrs. We will need people to help with making refreshments, playing games, making people feel welcome and chatting to improve English. If you might be interested, please talk to Pip.
Earlier news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.