Dear Friends
At last, it is beginning to feel like we can make a few plans. Get your diaries out and see below.
Do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week as things do change!
A little word
For the Lord’s sake accept the authority of every human institution, whether of the emperor as supreme, or of governors, as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorance of the foolish. As servants of God, live as free people, yet do not use your freedom as a pretext for evil. Honour everyone. Love the family of believers. Fear God. Honour the emperor. 1 Peter 2.13-17
It is local election day today. I’ll go off and vote when I’ve finished this in a few minutes. So, the reading in morning prayer today (above) was well placed, though not by design. Of course, most of Peter’s readers did not have the vote and the might of Rome was absolute.
So how do we interpret it? God is a God of order not chaos? Followers of Jesus should not engage ion insurrection? The fledgling movement we call the church now, was precarious in human terms. But it was revolutionary, and like its founder, not in the way that people expected.
Our call is to build society. To flavour it, improve it, hold a mirror to it, preserve it, challenge it; but by being part of it. It is a constant challenge. To be radical and revolutionary whilst not being arrogant, and always, always loving.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for the willingness of those who give their time to public service, that they might exercise their power and influence with wisdom and justice.
- for local schools. Pye Bank our church school. Huw in his work as Diocesan Director of Education.
- for prisoners of conscience around the globe.
In-Church worship Sunday at 9am. Service of Morning Worship.
Numbers are limited, social distancing and face coverings apply. Sorry still no singing!
10.30am Morning Worship on Zoom
We are continuing our on-line services. This link will be the same every week.
Meeting ID: 890 3024 9289 Passcode: 238289
Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0203 901 7895, and follow the instructions.
This week’s reading is: Acts 10.44–48.
Your starter for 10 this week – Would you consider eating insects? why/why not?
Midweek Communion
We are planning to restart on Thursday 20 May at 10am. It will be lovely to welcome you back.
APCM- Weds 26 May at 7pm
Details of the meeting here.
Please be praying about the vacancies that are coming up.
Christian Aid Week – 10-16 May
Because we cannot meet in any number, we are planning to raise money by hosting a quiz on zoom on Saturday 15 at 7pm. If you would like to enter a team let Pip know. Suggest 6-8 is a good number for a team. The link is:
Meeting ID: 826 7399 5572 Passcode: 772613
On Sunday 16 the Zoom service will have a particular focus on Christian Aid.
Details of how to donate next week.
Ascension to Pentecost – 13-23 May
As in previous years we are being called to make this a special time of prayer. There will be daily links to focus on.
To bring it to a close, on Pentecost the Zoom service will be an All-age special.
In the afternoon we will have a bring your own picnic in the Churchyard at 5pm followed by a short open-air service with singing.
Earlier week’s news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.