Weekly news for 14.3.21

Dear Friends

An important update about the suspension of worship is below.

Do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week as things do change!

A little word

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!                                                         Isaiah 49.15

Last Monday was international women’s day and Sunday is Mothering Sunday. They give us an opportunity to reflect on women who have nurtured us and made the world a better place, often with some resistance from men and/or the church! Gender stereotypes are generally not helpful, but usually see caring and nurture as more feminine than masculine. The church when given a pronoun is often ‘she’ and the New Testament deploys the imagery of the bride of Christ. There certainly isn’t space here to delve deeply into all of this, but God is happy to appropriate female imagery, and the image of God is in all of humanity.

I’m giving thanks for all who have nurtured me, in body mind and spirit, and because they often get forgotten or side-lined, especially the women.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for mothers, family life and those who have nurtured us
  • For greater understanding and compassion towards those who admit to their struggles
  • For the continuing need to support the most vulnerable in society


In-Church worship suspended for the foreseeable future

10.30am Morning Worship on Zoom

We are continuing our on-line services. This link will be the same every week.


Meeting ID: 890 3024 9289  Passcode: 238289

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0203 901 7895, and follow the instructions.

This week’s reading is: Colossians 3.12-17

Continued suspension of in-person worship

The PCC at its meeting has agreed to continue the suspension until Step 2 of the government’s roadmap comes in, currently 12 April. It was not an easy decision but has been carefully thought through with appropriate advice taken. This means Easter will be affected again this year, which will be a disappointment.

Plans for Holy Week and Easter will be communicated soon, we will be able to engage and make it meaningful, just not physically together.

Lent Course – continues Wednesday

This year during Lent we are running The Bible Course from Bible Society.

Every Wednesday at 7.30pm

The Zoom link is:


Meeting ID: 863 7919 8829
Passcode: 928776

It’s a mix of video, discussion, and readings in the week.

Coffee break continues

Christ Church Coffee break – Monday mornings at 10.00am. Zoom coffee and catch up – about half an hour or so. Bring your favourite hot drink and something to dunk or nibble and join Ruth at 10.00 for a zoom coffee and chat.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 821 6852 3735
Passcode: 948578

If joining by phone dial 0131 460 1196 United Kingdom (please be aware this is an Edinburgh area code)

Eco Church

The PCC has fully endorsed our desire to embed environmental awareness in our teaching, practice, activity, and community engagement. We forge ahead to attaining Silver award standard. Lots more to follow.

Earlier week’s news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.