Weekly news for 11.10.20

Dear Friends

Here is the latest news, but do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week.

We have important news about our upcoming annual meeting. And welcome Maureen back from furlough, working from home.

A little word

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.                                                                              James 1.27

Orphans and widows stand for all who are needy, abused, downtrodden, ignored, forgotten…. You get the picture.

The IICSA report this week makes sober, embarrassing, shaming, reading. That the Church of God could let some of this stuff go on through incompetence, weakness, or worse still, pretending it wasn’t whilst knowing it was, is hard to believe. But we do believe it, because the survivors and victims have spoken, even when we have chosen not to listen.

The Church, whilst still far from perfect, has taken enormous strides on this journey and will have to do much more work still. Safeguarding is not a cumbersome administrative burden, it is about ensuring everything we do is in a culture where not only are all welcome but where all are protected from harm.

‘Religion’ is not a word I use much, but if it is true, then it can never be about cover-ups and protecting reputations. Corporately we have been complicit in the ruining of lives. We are called to care and to serve. May God have mercy on us; as we seek forgiveness for past wrongs, to rebuild trust, and to build a safer future.

New for this week


9am in Christ Church, Morning Worship.

Aimed especially at those who can’t access the on-line services. Please bring a face covering and hand cleanser. Numbers are limited, and it will take longer than usual to take your seat, so please be prompt.

QR code check-in is now available if you have the NHS Covid-19 app.

10.30am on Zoom.

We are continuing our on-line services for the foreseeable future. The link is the same every week.


Meeting ID: 303 159 289  Password: 597076

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0131 460 1196, and follow the instructions.

This week’s readings are Psalm 23 & Philippians 4.1-9

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for all those who have cared for us when we were distressed
  • For all victims of abuse – especially at the hands of the church
  • For those formulating a local response to worsening infection rates

Annual Church Meeting

Please put this date in your diary. Thursday 29 Oct at 7pm.

We need to meet to elect Church Wardens & PCC reps and to accept the 2019 accounts. This is an obligation under charity law. To keep people as safe as possible we will do it in a mixed format with a zoom link for online or socially distanced attendance in person.

If you are not on the Electoral Roll (or need to check) contact Maureen (office@pitsmoor.church or 07765 232789), completed applications by 15 Oct please.

Next week we will confirm how you can nominate people for the vacant positions.

Use of Church

Just a gentle reminder to all our key holders… access to the building is still on a limited basis. You must ask permission from Pip if you wish to go in for anything. We need to keep everyone safe. QR code check-in is now available if you have the NHS Covid-19 app.

Earlier week’s news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.