Weekly news for 19.4.20

Dear Friends

Here is the latest news, but do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week.

Thank you to everyone who joined in over Holy Week and Easter Sunday. The gallery was great, Pitsmoor’s got Talent! We had over 60 people at Sunday’s service. It’s a challenge finding ways to do things differently but it seems to be working.


If you’d like to join in on Sunday, you can do so by downloading Zoom on your phone, tablet or computer, and following this link   https://zoom.us/j/303159289?pwd=NXdpQkFJQWdLTlpIYTc2alZ6VUhqUT09  

The same link should work each week now.

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0131 460 1196, and follow the instructions.

Meeting ID: 303 159 289  Password: 597076

We start to gather online at 10.00, hoping most if not all can join us by 10.20ish so that, at 10.25ish we move towards our service starting at 10.30.

This week, at some point in the service, you will be asked “What can you reach for?” You will be asked to reach for something – maybe an ornament, a book, a tortoise…  something you can reach for and hold up to the camera. Don’t plant anything special. It has to be done as you are, where you usually sit. Arm reaches out…what’s there? ……But why? Why are we doing that? What earthly (or heavenly) reason could we have for doing such a thing???

Find out Sunday morning.

Keeping up

Pip & Sara are happy to receive calls or messages about people who are unwell or in need. All our contact details are on the website if you don’t already have them saved.

Archbishops’ call to pray

Some of us prayed and put a candle in our windows on Sunday evenings. Bishop Pete has encouraged us to keep doing this each week as a symbol of our prayer and hope. Please join in if you can.


Thanks for your help & concern. Things are running fairly smoothly at the moment. This week’s requested item is Corned Beef! That along with any of the usual dried/packet/tins can be dropped off at the Vicarage.

See last week’s news for volunteering opportunities.

From Sara

Something to hand! The Church of England have bought out a really helpful book of prayers for this season of the virus: they enlarge your heart and are great for when you can’t find words of your own. Sara is happy to print and send for anyone who can’t download it.


Also, help required – Sara has an essay to do! For the essay, it would help her (and she would love …) to understand more about other people’s upbringing in church…..what it was like, what helped you connect with God and what didn’t; what we do now that means a lot to you and what you find more difficult. Only do it if it is something you would enjoy, but if you would please, please email your thoughts to Sara at sara@christchurchpitsmoor.com            THANKYOU! 


Several folk who use the envelope scheme have been asking about how they can give whilst we are not meeting. You can pay it direct into the bank using



Christ Church Pitsmoor

If you are a taxpayer and would like to use the Parish Giving Scheme they have promised a simplified method for sign-up before the month is out.