Weekly news for 17.12.23

Dear Friends,

This week we start Christmas mode with Carols on Sunday evening.

A little word 

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;                                                                                Isaiah 42.3 (NIV)

These words of Isaiah describe the servant of the Lord. Matthew quotes it (Matt 12.17ff) as Jesus fulfilling what was spoken.

I love the gentleness of the imagery. Not snapping off a bent reed, leaving a wick smouldering. Both have the potential to recover from their vulnerability. As gardeners we love to tidy up, how many bruised reeds do we kill off when they might have survived and regrown? It is an image worth pondering as we reflect on how we as Church and society treat the vulnerable and bruised. Do we believe in tidying up? or second chances and potential?                 

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for the enduring power of recovery from brokenness. 
  • For opportunities for the good news of Christmas to be heard in word and song.
  • For our Churchwardens; Will and Blessing.

Sunday services 

9.15am Sunday Gathering

10.30am Morning Worship

Advent 3

The readings are Isaiah 61.1-4, 8-11 & John 1.6-8, 19-28

with CoGs children’s group and refreshments to follow.

7pm Carol service

Carols by Candlelight with Minced Pies and Mulled Wine after.

Christmas Services

Flyers for our Christmas Services are available now. There are plenty to pass on to friends and neighbours.

Carol Singing

Nick Edmondson is organising a Carol Sing at Woodhill Lodge on Monday 18 Dec at 3pm (arrive by 2.45). Please offer to join in. Nick would love to hear from you – 07725569380.


We all value having a cuppa after services. For that to continue we need at least one other couple/team to go on the rota. Men can make drinks as well as women! Full training can be given if needed. The more volunteers, the less often your turn will come around. Let Maureen or Pip know you would like to go on the rota.

Pitsmoor window trail

Back by popular demand. See the creativity unfold daily in windows around the area. The map with each day’s window can be found here https://www.tinyurl.com/PitsmoorMidwinterWindows

Flower Fund

If you would like to make a donation towards the flowers for Christmas, or for later in the year, you can pass on a donation to Bernadette, or pop it in an envelope in the collection, or ask us to make a card donation via our new Contactless giving machine.

What’s on this week?

Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play – in the Welcome Centre

Wednesday 7.30pm – After 8 will resume in the new year

Thursday 10am – Holy Communion with Carols in the Welcome Centre followed by coffee. Lunch Club resumes in the new year.

Friday 1pm – Craft and Chat -will resume in the new year