Dear Friends,
This week we start Advent
A little word
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22.20 (NIV)
Advent begins on Sunday. In this season we practice waiting. The penultimate verse of the New Testament sums that up. Jesus says he is coming, and so we wait. But it is an active not a passive waiting. We do not sit on our backsides twiddling our thumbs. We get on with being Jesus’ light in the darkness; being good news; building the Kingdom; bearing the first fruits. And our waiting, our longing, is to see the fulfilment of all that we (He) have started but not yet finished.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for signs of the Kingdom we see around us.
- For the visit to our deanery this week and all the conversations.
- For the projects in the city working to combat homelessness.
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
This week is Holy Communion
10.30am All-age Worship
Advent 1
The reading is Isaiah 9.1-6
Refreshments to follow.
7pm Reflective service
Advent in the style of Taizé/Iona
Giving news
Envelopes – new boxes are available for those who wish to use them. Please see Karen to get your pack.
Gift aid – a reminder that if you are a taxpayer, we can reclaim an additional 25% on your giving. If you give under gift-aid and stop being a taxpayer, you will need to let us know. Karen can help you with forms.
Contactless giving- we know not everyone has cash these days. We have a contactless giving card reader on trial. If this would work for you, give it a go.
easyfundraising – We are registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment.
You can find our easyfundraising page at
Gardening stuff
Will Ross has a list of gardening/maintenance tasks that need to be done around the church grounds. Things like leaf clearing and pruning. If you could spare an hour or two, at a time to suit you in the next couple of weeks, have a word with him and we’ll allocate tasks.
Amos Trust Christmas Tour
Tues 5 Dec lunchtime at St Aiden’s, Manor. See Amos Trust Christmas Tour 2023 for details
Pitsmoor window trail
Back by popular demand. See the creativity unfold daily in windows around the area. The map with each day’s window can be found here
Deanery days
On Wednesday, 6 December Bishop Pete and others will be in Ecclesfield Deanery, visiting schools, joining in with church-based activities and meeting with local church leaders. This will allow him to increase his understanding of the Deanery’s needs and its mission opportunities.
The following day, Thursday, 7 December, after a similar visit by Bishop Sophie to Hallam Deanery, there will be an evening gathering open to all church members. This will be at St Thomas, Philadelphia, starting at 7.30 pm with refreshments served from 7.00. It will include worship, a sermon on Isaiah 55 from Bishop Pete, some stories of what God has been blessing in the two Deaneries, information about possible financial support from the national church and time to ‘dream dreams’ about the future of mission in our parishes. Please think seriously about attending this event.
What’s on this week?
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play – in the Welcome Centre
Wednesday 7.30pm – After 8 – at 225 Nottingham Street
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion followed by coffee and Lunch Club in the Welcome Centre.
Thursday 6.30pm – International Meal, food at 7pm
Friday 1pm – Craft and Chat – in the Welcome Centre