Dear Friends
I hope you are enjoying our Lent journey with LiveLent readings. Do share your encouragements and insights with one another.
Do remember to check in to our facebook page or the website regularly for updates.
A little word
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3.14
The mystical name of God is revealed to Moses at the burning bush. What it means is difficult to explain. Translators have wrestled with that for years. The English word conveys something of presence, of permanence, of continuity. Also, it suggests something (someone) beyond comparison. God uses a name that is not named after anything except Godself. Those of you reading LiveLent with us will know that this personal encounter changed everything for Moses and for all God’s people. God is somehow both known and unknown all at the same time.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for God’s presence, down through the ages and here now
- We continue to pray for peace and justice over Ukraine
- For those grieving and accompanying the dying
In-Church worship Sunday at 10am. Holy Communion with refreshment to follow.
Lent 2.
You can also watch by live-stream on the church facebook page.
This week’s readings are: Luke 13.31-35
Sunday, 7-7.45pm (refreshments from 6.30)
reflect – exploring spirituality in an open, welcoming space
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion in Church
Masks & refreshments
From Sunday 6 March we will be serving refreshments at the end of the service. Masks will no longer be required but some will still feel more comfortable wearing one. It’s your choice.
Live Lent
During Lent we will be encouraging you to join us in a daily reading, reflection, and prayer around the theme of justice. There is a little booklet for everyone with all the material you need. Please pick one up. We want everyone to join in. If you want to cover the cost, they are £1.50 each but that is entirely voluntary.
You can download it as an app for your iOS or android smartphone. Search ‘livelent’ in your app store.
On Sunday evenings there will be a reflective space to introduce the weekly theme. We will gather from 6.30pm for a cuppa and start promptly at 7pm for 30-45mins.
Spring Cleaning
It is Spring, and we can start doing things again, so it would be great to give our Church its annual Spring clean again (and especially for Barney and Sobia’s wedding)
We need as many volunteers as possible, all shapes and sizes:
– Inside: Tuesday and Wednesday 22nd and 23rd March from 10am.
– Outside: Friday and Saturday Morning, 1st and 2nd of April from 10am.
If you can’t make the dates, there will be a list of things to do, so just sign up for what you can.
Thank you!!
Welcomers team
if you were part of the old Welcomers team, please meet Sara at the back of Church after the Service on Sunday.
Earlier news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.