Dear Friends
A few changes and updates are happening soon when we hit Lent.
Do remember to check in to our facebook page or the website regularly for updates.
and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well. 2 Tim 2.2
I remember this verse striking a chord with me in my early twenties. It was part of my feeling a call to full-time ministry, although that didn’t happen for another decade. Paul is conveying something of the fragility of the Church to Timothy. As someone else put it, the Church is always one generation away from extinction. If we are not passing on the love of God, his goodness and all we have found to be true and real, where will we be?
Of course, God is not reliant on you and me, and yet he does call us to work with him. In business we call it succession planning. Who are we inspiring and training up so that the kingdom of God will continue to be shown and shared in Pitsmoor in 20, 50 or 100 years from now? To whom are we passing on the baton?
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for God’s faithful people at Christ Church for 172yrs.
- for our ongoing reflection on what our purpose is now, and how it is shown
- people at home & abroad suffering the effects of extreme weather
In-Church worship Sunday at 10am. Morning Worship with CoGs group for children.
Faith & deeds
Face coverings please and be especially conscious of how some people will still want to be cautious.
You can also watch by live-stream on the church facebook page.
This week’s readings are: James 2
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion in Church
We who Worship
Saturday 19/2, 4-6pm. Relaxed , inclusive, informal worship.
‘Not the PCC’ prayer for all who lead different aspects of church life. Monday 21/2 7.30pm in Church.
What is our purpose?
For this month we are asking some big questions. Why are we here? And for whom? What are we all about? What does love look like here?
Our Sunday talks will hopefully get our minds thinking along these lines. There is also a sheet with the following five questions.
- What is ‘Church’ for? Why are we here?
- Who is ‘Church’ for? For whom are we here?
- What might that look like in our setting?
- What is different about this now than say 5yrs ago?
- How can we engage others in this conversation?
Take a sheet and respond. You might well value doing it with someone to spark thoughts off each other. Pop it in the box when you are done.
Masks & refreshments
From Sunday 6 March we will be serving refreshments at the end of the service. Masks will no longer be required but some will still feel more comfortable wearing one. It’s your choice.

During Lent we will be encouraging you to join us in a daily reading, reflection, and prayer around the theme of justice. There is a little booklet for everyone with all the material you need. Please pick one up. We want everyone to join in. If you want to cover the cost, they are £1.50 each but that is entirely voluntary.
Apparently, there will be an app for your phone too if that is how you like to do it. (details tbc)
Ash Wednesday Service, 2 March at 7.30pm.
On Sunday evenings (starting 6/3) there will be a reflective space to introduce the weekly theme. We will gather from 6.30pm for a cuppa and start promptly at 7pm for 30-45mins.
Earlier news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.