Weekly news for 17th October

Pip’s away this week so apologies that this won’t make it out as a mailing list email.

A Little Word…

‘The human body has many parts, but the many parts make one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ…… If the ear says “I’m not part of the body because I’m not an eye,’ would that make it any less a part of the body?” If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear?

1 Corinthians 12:12-18

October is Black History month, aiming ‘to honour the too-often unheralded accomplishments of Black Britons’

Two of my go-to Bible passages which tell of God’s intimate knowledge and enormous cherishing of each of us in all our diversity are Psalm 139 (‘You knit me together in my mother’s womb’) and the one above, written by Paul to the socially-mixed Church in Corinth.

In it, Paul underlines, not only the immense worth of each of us, but the absolute necessity for us to be different to each other. It is only when we each bring our own unique personality, background, outlook, abilities and gifting to the whole, that the Church of God has everything it needs to be able to function in the way it should…. loving and caring for each other and the people around us. So, let’s discover and treasure each other and all that we have to bring.

An invitation to pray…

  • For the big things: The Archbishops’ Commission on Racial Justice; young people meeting with church leaders at Lambeth Palace to talk about the Church’s response to the Climate Crisis; and our Government’s ‘Levelling up’ policy.
  • For The small things we can do to make a difference: a smile to a stranger; reusing a plastic bag…
  • For all who are treated unfairly, at work, in their community, even in their home.


We are going to continue with our current Sunday morning pattern at 10am through to the end of November. We don’t want to be changing constantly. Now that the schools are back the children’s work has restarted also. We will review it again for the later Autumn and adapt as we go.

Being all together in one service means some differences from ‘normal.’ We would love to know what you have liked and found valuable and if there are ways we could adapt.

10am Sunday – Holy Communion with CoGs

Face coverings please and be especially conscious of how some people will still want to be cautious.

There will be no livestream this week.

This week’s readings are: Psalm 90.12-17 & Mark 10.17-31

The beautiful flowers in Church this week are a tribute to Len. Enjoy them and think of him.

10am Thursday – Holy Communion

As usual in the main church building.

Other Notices

Harvest Collection

The Foodbank at St Cuthbert’s want to say a huge thank you for all the gifts given last Sunday.

Autumn Confirmation

There will be a Deanery Confirmation service with +Sophie at Chapeltown on 28 November. We will be running a course to prepare people, but it could also be used as a refresher course if that would be helpful for you. You do not at this stage have to have made your mind up about Confirmation. Pip or Sara would love to hear from you if you are interested.

Chocolate Box Cake

As part of their outreach work the Chocolate Box project get through a lot of cake. I have suggested we might be able to help. Would you be willing to supply a traybake on a Sunday? If enough of us sign up it would only be once a quarter or so. Let Maureen know (office@pitsmoor.church or 07765 232789) if you want to join the rota.                                                                                                            

Climate Crisis Action Point

Find ways we can, bit by bit, reduce our own personal part in Global warming. There are some ideas on the notice board at the back of Church – please do add ideas of your own. 

Earlier News

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.