Weekly news for 23.5.21

Dear Friends

Don’t forget the APCM on Wednesday, Zoom in or in Church.

Do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week as things do change!

A little word

 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live                                                                                                  Ezekiel 37.14

In both Hebrew and Greek (the original languages of the bible) the words for Spirit, wind and breath are all the same. Our translations use context to choose which English word to insert, and don’t always agree. The various words bring something different; Spirit is more personal; breath speaks of lifeforce; and wind seems a bit more random.

I like the fact that our scriptures, OT especially, can be loose, playful even, with language. It’s not all buttoned up and tied down. As Jesus says, the wind blows wherever it pleases, we need to catch it in our sails and head where it leads.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit – God’s very presence, with and in us.
  • for our APCM and all those who will offer to serve on the PCC.
  • for the church throughout the world, united by the same Spirit.


In-Church worship Sunday at 9am. Service of Morning Worship.

Numbers are limited, social distancing and face coverings apply. Sorry still no singing!

10.30am Morning Worship on Zoom – AAW for Pentecost

We are continuing our on-line services. This link will be the same every week.


Meeting ID: 890 3024 9289  Passcode: 238289

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0203 901 7895, and follow the instructions.

This week’s reading is: Acts 2.1-21

YOU are invited to a Harvest Party on Sunday the 23rd of May, on Zoom at 10.30.

Please wear you party clothes and bring some Harvest Party treats to eat – your favourite fruit or cake perhaps. AND wear or bring something which tells people what makes you really special (it might be a secret no one else knows!)

Party bags will be provided to anyone blessed enough to belong to COGs.

See you there!

5.00pm Pentecost Praise Picnic

there is also a second party happening in the Church Yard at 5pm, where you can also bring party food and we are going to sing. You are very welcome to that too. Dress for wet/cold/whatever, you might want to bring something to sit on. Weather forecast is not looking too fantastic!

TWO parties in one day!

AND (Not to be read by children):

If you are coming to the Zoom Service, don’t belong to COGS, but still like fun… you could provide yourself with the materials to make an elastic powered vehicle and to make a light bulb light up =)

Midweek Communion

We have restarted on Thursdays at 10am. It will be lovely to welcome you back.

APCM- Weds 26 May at 7pm

Details of the meeting here.



Please be praying about the vacancies that are coming up. Nomination forms are in church or can be requested from Maureen (office@pitsmoor.church)

As of today (thurs) we only have 1 warden & 1 dep. warden nom form (out of a total of 12 vacancies). So, get moving on nominations or the PCC will be very small!

The new E. Roll is displayed in church if you want to inspect it.

Papers for the APCM are available at the back of church or follow the link which will be placed on our on-line presence.

CoGs leadership

Jane and Yvonne are both stepping back from leading CoGs. We want to record a huge thank-you for all that they have done over many years.

We will need a new team in place to lead our children’s work, ready to start in September. If you are interested in finding out more, please speak to Sara or Pip.

Eco Church

The Thursday work party in the churchyard has restarted. Starts approx. 10.45 after the Midweek Communion service.

Earlier week’s news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.