Dear Friends
Do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week as things do change!
A little word
‘Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive?’ …. The story seemed like nonsense to the men… However, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb to look… then he went home again, wondering what had happened.’ Luke 24 (selected verses)
The idea that some- one they had seen die could be alive, was far too far outside the box for the Disciples to get their minds round. Disbelief was the only option. Only Peter had the courage to get up and search for an answer. Yet, all the time, He who is alive was there to be found.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for Jesus’ continued Life with us in our day to day living.
- Pray for anyone you know who is searching.
- Join in praying with our fellow Christians in Myanmar, suffering discrimination, yet praying for peace and justice in their country.
In-Church worship suspended
10.30am Morning Worship on Zoom
We are continuing our on-line services. This link will be the same every week.
Meeting ID: 890 3024 9289 Passcode: 238289
Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0203 901 7895, and follow the instructions.
This week’s reading is: John 20.19-23 but you might like to also read 1 John 1. 1-10
A bit of fun: have you seen, or can you see, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and spot the Gospel in it?
Coffee break is taking a break
Christ Church Coffee break – is having a rest.
Earlier week’s news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.