Weekly news for 3.5.20

Dear Friends

Here is the latest news, but do please also check in with the facebook page www.facebook.com/ccpitsmoor/   and website  www.pitsmoor.church/  during the week.


If you’d like to join in on Sunday, here is a reminder of the link


Meeting ID: 303 159 289  Password: 597076

Alternatively, for audio only, you can phone in to this number: 0131 460 1196, and follow the instructions.

We start to gather online from 10.00, our service starts properly at 10.30.

For this week……

If you have been in touch with one of our members who doesn’t join us on Zoom can you write their name on a piece of paper, please.

Pre- service questions to think about (and maybe even draw pictures of):

 ‘Where are you finding fullness of life just now? OR… what are you recognising is fullness of life for you’… it may be in the things you are intensely missing as well as the things you are coming to appreciate.

And, ‘How do you feel about doors?’

It might help to have a Bible ready at John 10. 1-10 and Acts 2.42-47, and a cup of coffee to hand!

Links for younger person stuff:


Christian Aid week

This year we are having a virtual CA week. It will be the focus of our service on 10 May. We will also host a quiz on Zoom on Weds 13 May at 7.30pm. Ask friends to form a team and we’ll ask each team to donate to CA. Fuller details to follow.

Maureen on Furlough

We have had to make the difficult decision to put Maureen on furlough. This means that she isn’t allowed to ‘work’. Emails to the ‘office’ account will be dealt with but inevitably not as swiftly. It’s fine for you to keep in touch with her if you have her personal contacts but just not in a work capacity.

Keeping up

Pip & Sara are happy to receive calls or messages about people who are unwell or in need. All our contact details are on the website if you don’t already have them saved.


If you would like to drop stuff off at the Vicarage that is fine. Alternatively, lots of the supermarkets have a place to drop donations when you shop. The Foodbanks are working collaboratively so it is all effective.


Several folk who use the envelope scheme have been asking about how they can give whilst we are not meeting. You can pay it direct into the bank using



Christ Church Pitsmoor

If you are a taxpayer who utilises gift-aid our preferred method for you is the Parish Giving Scheme; they have now got a telephone sign-up system in place. Details can be provided, just email office@pitsmoor.church with ‘PGS sign-up’ as the subject.