Equality and diversity
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Christ Church Pitsmoor Equality and Diversity Policy
As Christians, we believe that all people are created in God’s image and that all people are loved by God. By His acceptance of all, including those on the edge of society, Jesus constantly showed God’s love during his earthly ministry.
Policy Statement
It is our policy to provide an environment free of prejudice and discrimination in which everyone feels accepted, valued and respected.
We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination and are committed to:
- fulfilling all our legal obligations under equality legislation (see note below) and associated codes of practice.
- preventing occurrences of unlawful direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harass- ment and victimisation.
- promoting a good and harmonious environment in which all persons using the Church prem- ises are treated with respect.
We will:
- for any post within the church, define when there is a genuine occupational requirement for the post to be filled by a practising Christian.
- review this policy at least annually.
The members of Christ Church Pitsmoor PCC are responsible for the effective implementation of this Policy which applies to employees, volunteers, job applicants, church members, hirers and all other users of, and visitors to, our premises. They will take all reasonable steps to publicise the Policy and ensure that it is brought to the attention of all those people affected by it.
Complaints Procedure
Anyone (other than an employee) who believes that he/she has suffered any form of discrimina- tion, harassment or victimisation should as soon as possible bring the matter to the attention of the vicar/minister or one of the Churchwardens who will investigate promptly and, if he/she con- siders that the complaint or concern is substantiated (after giving the alleged offender a fair op- portunity of responding to the complaint), will take appropriate action to deal with the complaint.
Additionally, the vicar/minister or the Churchwardens will take appropriate action if they have reason to believe that discrimination, harassment or victimisation may have taken place. Appropri- ate action might include conciliation, but in serious cases would require a referral to the PCC who could decide to exclude the offender from the Church premises, expel the offender from mem- bership or in the case of a complaint about an employee (which should be dealt with under the em- ployer’s Disciplinary Procedure) terminate his/her employment.
No such action will be taken against an alleged offender without giving him/her full details of the complaint, copies of any rel- evant documentation and the right to a personal hearing before the PCC or a disciplinary panel of PCC members appointed by the PCC to deal with the matter. An employee who believes that he or she has suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation should invoke the provi- sions of the Employer’s Complaints Procedure.
Note : The specific protected characteristics under the 2010 Equality Act.are :- gender, gender reassignment, race, disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage and civil part- nership, and pregnancy and maternity.