Dear Friends,
Please note a couple of up-coming events, details below.
A little word
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him, ‘I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless. Genesis 17.1 (NRSV)
Gen 12 tells us Abram was 75 when God called him to up sticks and go. The promise was reaffirmed 25 yrs later. He had spent a lot of time on the move in the intervening years. Lots of us will be reading all about ‘Movement’ in the coming week of Lent. For a lot of us old age conjures up images of being settled (and comfortable). It seems to me that the call to follow God is a call to movement, of never being too settled or comfortable, of going where God leads. We are a pilgrim people.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for the times you have heard God’s voice clearly calling you.
- For integrity and honour amongst our political leaders.
- For the General Synod as they meet Friday to Tuesday.
Sunday services
9.15am Sunday Gathering
10.30am Holy Communion
Lent 2
Readings: Romans 4.13-25 & Mark 8.31-38
CoGs children’s group meets.
Refreshments to follow.
7pm Reflective
this week is a meditation
Lent Course 2024
Lent course on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in The Welcome Centre, or Tuesdays at 1pm at St. Peter’s. The course is called ‘Watch and Pray’. Pick up a daily reflection booklet if you haven’t already. You can also access the reflections via email sign-up or an app on your phone.
This coming Saturday
Coming Events
What’s on?
Wednesday 10am – Stay and Play in the Welcome Centre
Wednesday 7.30pm – Lent group in the Welcome Centre
Thursday 10am – Holy Communion in the Welcome Centre followed by coffee and Lunch Club.
Friday 1pm – Craft and Chat -in the Welcome Centre.