Weekly news for 2.4.23

Dear Friends

Please note info about Holy Week and our upcoming Annual meeting.

A little word

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures for ever.        Psalm 118.1

As we embark on Holy Week we start with the excitement and anticipation of Palm Sunday; we mull over the deep things Jesus speaks of and the example he sets on Maundy Thursday; we hit the stunned horror of Friday; and the joyous highs of Sunday.

May you recall again God stepping into human history in all the goodness and mercy we witness, and remember that long ago event still changes lives today. It is for ever.

Things to pray for

  • Give thanks for the profound hope of all we encounter this week.
  • For the Holy Land – for lasting peace.
  • For people to take up the vacant roles at the annual meeting.


Sunday Gathering at 9.15am.

All-age worship at 10.30am. 

This week’s readings are: Matthew 21.1-11 

Refreshments to follow.   

Sunday evening at 6.30 – 7.30pm.

Lent discussion with a cuppa. Taize service at 7pm.

10am on Thursday  

Holy Communion, followed by Lunch Club in the Welcome Centre.

Holy Week

Events to note…

Maundy Thursday            HC in Welcome Centre at 10am

                                                Remembering the Last Supper at St Peter’s, 7pm

Good Friday                        Procession from St Peter’s starting at 1pm arriving at Christ Church for

                                                An hour at the Cross 2-3pm

Easter Sunday                   Sunrise Service in Burngreave Cemetery 6am

                                                Easter Celebration with Holy Communion at 10.30am

Electoral Roll revision and APCM  

In advance of our annual meeting the Electoral Roll is being revised. This is the annual update where you can join if you are not already on it. The current roll is on display if you need to check. 

If you wish to be added please complete an application form available at the welcome desk by 15 April. 


Please put the APCM date in your diaries. Sunday 30 April at 11.30 after the service.  

We need to elect two Churchwardens and two deputy Churchwardens, these are annual elections.

This is the year to elect two members of the Deanery Synod for a three year term.

There are also three places on the PCC for a three year term.

Please be thinking and praying about who might stand for those positions. Nomination forms with all the details about who can stand are on the welcome desk. 

Keeping up

Reminders of contact details:

Maureen (for admin queries).    office@pitsmoor.church, 07765 232789.

Pip (for everything else!).             vicar@pitsmoor.church, 07799944436.

Earlier news

Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.