Dear Friends
We continue to meet at Abbeyfield House in the Park.
We are currently juggling quite a few things around so do remember to check in to our facebook page or the website regularly for updates.
A little word
Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands; as the prophet says,
“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord,
or what is the place of my rest? Did not my hand make all these things?” Acts 7.48-50
Those of you who follow Morning Prayer will recognise these words. It is near the culmination of Stephen’s speech to the religious authorities. They didn’t like it and he was stoned as the first Christian martyr.
The events at our church have been an opportunity to reflect. It is special because of the generations of activity that has happened. But it is also only bricks and mortar. I guess the context of Stephen was that his detractors had all the glory of the temple, but they were ‘stiff-necked’ and ‘opposed the Holy Spirit’. Where we do it, is less important than what we do.
We are still the church even without our building. As we gear up for going back in, we need to remind ourselves of the why and the what. Our meetings later in the month (see below) are an important part of that.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for God’s presence, wherever we are.
- For our new PM as they start next week and form a government – for wisdom and clarity.
- For schools starting back after the summer break.
All-age Worship on Sunday at 10am, meeting at Abbeyfield House.
This week’s readings are: Psalm 1 & Luke 14.25-33
Refreshments to follow.
As we are back in a building, we can now resume collections, thanks.
September will see us continuing to meet in the house at Abbeyfield Park. We will be restarting CoGs next week too. If you are driving, park on Abbeyfield Road by the Park entrance. We will use the main door, which has a couple of steps up to it. If you need to use the level access round the back let us know.
The toilet has a couple of steps down to it.
If accessibility is likely to be an issue for you, we will do our best to help. An alternative is to worship with St Peter’s Ellesmere, who start at 10.30am.
Sunday at 7pm.
No reflective services in September.
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion will continue at Pitsmoor Methodist Church (corner of Christ Church Road and Burngreave Rd) followed by coffee.
Big questions and 5-Marks follow-up
We are following up on our thinking over the last few months with a couple of meetings in September.
The first session will focus around our Church life and how we are interacting (or not) with the Five Marks. Are there areas we need to address? Is something missing altogether? Have we got a balanced approach? Do we need to change or start something new?
The second session will focus on our worshipping life. What is good? What not so? Have we got times and days, right? Do we have enough variety? What will people come to?
There are two opportunities for each session, but you only need to come once. Venues will be confirmed but note the times and dates in your diary now.
Session 1 (5 Marks) – Thurs 22/9 at 7.30pm or Sat 24/9 at 10am
Session 2 (Worship) – Sunday 25/9 at 4pm or Thurs 29/9 at 7.30pm
Coming up
Church yard. Sara will be chopping and weeding and glad of company, 10-12 on Friday 9 September.
Keeping up
The church building (including the Welcome Centre) is closed and must not be accessed without permission. There are now people working on site which is encouraging.
When there is more certain news, we will let you know, but we expect to be out of the building for a little while yet. Hopefully, we might be able to start using the building again in October, but no promises at this stage.
Reminders of contact details:
Maureen (for admin queries)., 07765 232789.
Pip (for everything else!)., 07799944436.
John Harrold
John died peacefully last Monday. The funeral service is likely to be on 21/9 at 11am at City Road Crematorium.
A message from Deacon Dave
You are all invited to celebrate my free bus pass on Saturday 24th September at St. Cuthberts Church, Barnsley Road, Sheffield. 6pm to 10.30. Please bring finger food to share, drinks, dancing shoes and musical instruments. There will be a DJ and an open mic.
Earlier news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.