Dear Friends
Do remember to check in to our facebook page or the website regularly for updates.
A little word
By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.’ Luke 1.78-79
All week in morning prayer the readings have followed the pregnant cousins, Mary & Elizabeth, and their extraordinary pregnancies. Today it culminated in the mute and doubting Zechariah having his tongue and heart released on the birth of John the Baptist. His outpouring of praise reminds us that the dawn always comes. The long years of Israel’s darkness were seeing the glimpse of dawn at last. However dark situations may seem, we believe in God’s mercy, breaking like the dawn.
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for the hope that sustains us in dark times.
- For our church community as we continue to seek out our calling.
- For each group or organisation that uses our building over the course of a week.
Sunday at 10am.
Holy Communion with CoGs children’s group and refreshments to follow.
You can also watch by live stream on the church facebook page.
This week’s readings are: 1 Corinthians 12
The APCM will follow coffee at 11am
Sunday at 7pm.
Reflective Service – another world is possible
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion in Church
APCM – on Sunday
Papers are now available on the Welcome Desk and available digitally here:
We will be giving some feedback on our 5 Big Questions as well as the regular stuff required at the annual meeting.
We need to elect two Churchwardens and two deputy Churchwardens; these are annual elections. There are also a total of seven places on the PCC. (Four positions come up for a three-year term each year, there are also three unfilled vacancies from last year).
Please be thinking and praying about who might stand for those positions. Nomination forms with all the details about who can stand are on the welcome desk.
Sunday 15 May
At the start of Christian Aid week, we will be offering breakfast rolls before the service and a chance to donate to the fantastic work Christian Aid do around the world. Put it in your diary.
Driver wanted
New volunteer Minibus driver needed for Lunch Club.
Must be aged 25 or over and hold a clean driving licence with ‘D1’ category. Van driving experience and licencing invaluable. Induction and training can be given/paid for or updated. Patience, kindness, and care over helping frail elderly people get around essential. Role would need DBS processing.
We are looking for someone who is able to be in this role for at least 12 months.
You need to be available on Thursdays from 10:15 – 15:00.
See Nick Edmondson to volunteer or ask more.
Platinum Jubilee lunch
We plan to have a special one-off intergenerational Lunch Club with an (indoor) Street Party theme for the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday on 2nd June, with help from the local Brownies. The idea will be to bring the generations together, including grandchildren etc of those normally attending Lunch Club, and families from all groups using the Welcome Centre and Christ Church buildings, decorate with bunting and have jelly ice cream and possibly Spam!
Tickets available from Yvonne at £2 per adult. (Accompanied only) children are free.
Earlier news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.